Delaware Liberal

House Prefile Features ERA And Fairness In Taxation

While all of the early hype on the beginning of the new legislative session has focused on passage of the Delaware Equal Rights Amendment, Rep. Kowalko is once again trying to restore some progressivity to Delaware’s income tax rates.  The first House prefile was made public yesterday.

Yes, the Equal Rights Amendment will pass early in session with all the attendant self-congratulation that will accompany it. The amendment ‘…is necessary to correct a constitutional shortcoming, reduce sex-based disparities and to codify our State’s value of equality. Section 1 makes clear the General Assembly’s intent in proposing this Amendment to the Delaware Constitution.’  This is the second leg of the constitutional amendment, so it will become part of the Delaware Constitution upon passage. Although the Governor’s signature is not required, you can bet that Sleepy John will seek to get a rub from its passage. 

Pardon me if I find this bill more substantive.  Meaning, it will be more difficult to pass. Rep. Kowalko has tried to do this before, but he’s always been thwarted by what passes for Democratic leadership. The bill ‘creates the following new tax brackets: at $125,000, with a rate of 7.10% and at $250,000, with a rate of 7.85%’.  It is hardly an onerous increase, but the moneyed interests are about nothing if not protecting their filthy lucre.  I think this should be a priority for the grassroots. Those that have benefited almost exclusively from the so-called economic recovery should at least pay their fair share. This Kowalko bill  ‘…also creates a tiered reduction of the otherwise available itemized deduction based on the individual’s taxable income’ for those making over $125K.  Let’s all try to push for floor votes on these bills. Who knows? They could pass. If they make it to the floor.

One more note: Committee assignments have not yet been finalized. It’s even possible that some committees may no longer exist following reorganization.  We’ll take a close look at which committees are designed to bury progressive legislation once membership is announced. Hopefully, the answer will be that no committees will serve as burial grounds. On that, I’m not holding my breath. At least in the House.


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