Idiots and Dumbfucks Continue to Warn Democrats to Not “Overplay their Hand”
Editorial writers never tire of publishing this warning to Democrats. It is so popular, so evergreen, that I fully expect to see Chris Coons on Morning Joe this morning, fretting about the #1 threat to the Republic – Democratic Hand Overplaying.

Chris Coons is buddies with a bunch of idiots and dumbfucks who think that that big problem with Democrats is that they don’t “Bipartisanship” hard enough.
Coons will have do divide his Morning Joe time between overplay-fretting and defending Pay-Go.
You mean like this?
…Or this:
Speak of Dumbfuck and Dumbfuck appears.
I thought I told you, RSE, that your trolling is far too 1998 to get a rise out of anyone anymore? Any chance you could raise your game in 2019?
Just a couple of examples of overplaying the hand, right?
I agree with you about Coons. He’s doesn’t just grab the low hanging fruit, he waits until it’s rotting on the ground
Are they though? Nah.
I love how fucking scared everyone is. That’s the best part.
With only 3 dems voting against Pelosi’s Pay-Go rule, the idiots and dumbfucks are going to sell you out, not overplay their hands.
Maybe let’s see what happens first before giving up after day one. This is the first of many waves. These ladies are the first ones out of the Higgins boats and onto the beach. We gotta keep sending wave after wave behind them.
PAYGO is fucking dumb, I agree. But I’m not ready to claim the entire thing a failure.
Bro, I like the perspective of your views. You are definitely onto the tricks. I respect that. But your understanding of politics leaves a lot to be desired. Work on that, because you’re not helping. And we need you.
Bitching and trolling anonymously on the internet then protest-voting for Jill Stein every four years ain’t the best strategy. In fact it’s a poor strategy.
trollers gonna troll
no doubt
Well, Let’s see if Nancy gave us something for their PayGo votes.
…and Jill Stein was out of the Higgins way before the “blue wave”. When she and VP running mate Cherie Honkala were bound to chairs for hours after being excluded from a debate…that plus deserves props. And assuming any Presidential vote from a state with a whopping 3 Electoral votes is more than a “protest vote” is hardly realistic.
I do not share your opinion of Jill Stein. Not at all.
I stand by what I wrote.
On a lighter note suggest Coons concede defeat and shave his head. Less wind resistance when reaching across the aisle and a shot at getting in on an impromptu Trump press conference.