Delaware Liberal

Open Thread – Wall of Hamburgers & How the hell did Carper, Coons and Rochester write this OpEd and not Mention Mitch McConnell?

I’m seriously asking. Mitch McConnell is keeping this shut down alive, but he (somehow) doesn’t exist as far as TC, CC, & LBR are concerned.

Today, our country is in the midst of the longest government shutdown in our history. Any government shutdown puts our economy at risk, jeopardizes our national security and ceases critical government programs on which millions rely.

But what is most unfortunate about this historically long shutdown is that hundreds of thousands of American families, including hundreds in the First State, are going without pay through no fault of their own. These federal workers are collateral damage in a fight that has nothing to do with the important, unrelated jobs that they do for our state and our nation every day.

No single picture sums up the rinky-dink, piece of shit administration better than this one.

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