I’m Boycotting Starbucks Until Senator Chris Coons Makes it Illegal

Filed in National by on January 29, 2019

Balloon Juice has become a go-to for me. I endorse this post. Fuck the Coffee Boy.

Go Home Coffee Boy

Does anyone see a downside to boycotting Starbucks?  I don’t drink coffee, but I do the grocery shopping, and I’d buy Starbucks coffee on occasion because my wife likes it.  She also likes Peets, so fuck Starbucks.

As Josh Marshall points out, there are few consumer goods with as much possibility for substitution as coffee.  There are good coffee shops almost everywhere in urban areas.  So, if Schultz wants to start calling Democrats “un American”, what’s more American than boycotting the shitty chain he founded?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (41)

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  1. I would boycott Starbucks if I didn’t already prefer Brew Ha Ha, and if I didn’t already buy all sorts of excellent coffees at Trader Joe’s.

    Only time we frequented Starbucks was on the Pa. Turnpike b/c that’s all they offered at rest stops. Never liked their coffee.

    Starbucks is like the McDonald’s of coffee…if McDonald’s was obscenely overpriced.

  2. Alby says:

    I’ve been impressed by the depth and breadth of the backlash against not just Schultz but the Beltway types who approve of his platform and mislabel it centrist.

    As for coffee, I prefer my own, brewed in a stovetop percolator as the coffee gods intended.

    • Yeah. Claimed that AOC’s 70% tax bracket was what compelled him to jump in.

      Residual sympathy was…non-existent.

      Paying attention, Third Way drones?

  3. puck says:

    So Facebook, the NFL, R. Kelly, and now Starbucks are all things I can’t boycott because I never used them anyway.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    El café zapatista es el mejor.

  5. anon says:

    You’re an idiot. The left has become to extreme it makes the tea party folks look sane. This is the only candidate you guys could have had who stands a shot. Bunch of nut jobs on the left.

    • jason330 says:

      Pfft…We haven’t even started getting extreme.

    • RE Vanella says:

      …only candidate you guys have…

      Who’s “you guys”?

      Are you OK?

    • T Kline says:

      Howard wants nothing to do with the Dem/Socialist party. Get your facts straight.

    • Alby says:

      @anon: Let me guess: You’re typing left-handed because you broke your right hand, so you can’t jerk off as much as you normally do. Close?

      • anon says:

        Alby, I have an idea to get you back to work. You can consult the leftwing nuts who were fired from HuffPo for being extreme. Been there, done that.

        • Alby says:

          Still jerking off here, I see. Is it taking longer to finish these days, poor chap? You might want to switch hand lotions.

          • anon says:

            Fixating on male masturbation is stranger than usual for you. Repressed thoughts about switching teams? Maybe just idle hands not at work doing strange things to your mind, what’s left of it.

            • Alby says:

              What you’re doing is masturbation. That point would be obvious if you weren’t so busy doing it.

              • anon says:

                There you go again. You shouldn’t talk about young men in a sexual way at your age, it’s very strange and raises red flags.

              • Alby says:

                You have a disturbingly literal mind. Your mental “exercises” here are intellectual masturbation, because they show you don’t have anyone of your own sort to engage with. Poor chap, you’re really a sad case.

                And homophobic, too. What a bonus.

                Are you young? What a particular waste of human flesh, then. Have you considered becoming an organ donor?

              • Alby says:

                Oh, wait, I’ve figured out your problem. This is all over your head. Let me simplify:

                You’re a jerk-off.

  6. delacrat says:

    Speaking of Coons and boycotts….

    Coons is one of the 25 craven Dems to vote to invoke cloture on the bill to allow the states to pass their own anti-Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) legislation. Basically it allows “state and local governments power to punish companies and individuals who boycott or divest from Israel. Two federal courts have already deemed similar measures unconstitutional.”

    Also included is $38 billion in war aid for Israel.

    Washington had people like Coons in mind when he cautioned against the “ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens, (who devote themselves to the favorite nation,) facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country, “.

    • Alby says:

      Like you with Russia, you mean?

      • delacrat says:

        Senate Bill 1 is matter of public record.

        Russia-gate hysteria, not so much.

        • Alby says:

          “ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens, (who devote themselves to the favorite nation,) facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country, “.

          Sorry, I’m not seeing the reference to “public records” there. Could you highlight it?

          Also, by “Russia-gate hysteria” I assume you’re talking about the selling out of U.S. interests to foreign ones by the U.S, president? I think you ought to catch up to speed on the name.

          • delacrat says:


            If you’re less concerned with a zionist infesting the Senate than a delacrat gracing this comments section, then your concerns are really screwed up.

            • Alby says:

              I can’t do anything about the Zionists in the Senate. I can do something about dishonest people infesting this comments section.

              I think your concerns are really screwed up, so we’re even. And I think your refusal to answer my questions about your concerns, being in my purview, is not screwed up at all. See, I can distinguish between what I’m responsible for and what I’m not.

              You, pal, can come clean or you’ll see again what happens when I decide your presence is no longer desired.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    For the record, this delacrat is wack. Anyone on the dumb dumb left still on the Green Party tip is a dipshit.


    I am in solidarity with BDS. And. Coons is a disgusting pig supporting the coup in Venezuela.



    Let’s try to ignore the internet troll thing and like… Sort out our shit. Seen?

    I got in a confrontation in a neighborhood bar tonight re Brazilian politics. I’m a Lula man. Said Bolsonaro is a fascist.

    Know why I can? Because I’m dialed in.

    Most of you are a fucking disgrace. You know why….. You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

    • jason330 says:

      Yeah, Delacrat is some Romanian troll making 8 cents per comment. Everybody’s gotta eat.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Disagree. He’s dimwitted, that’s true. (And it’s obviously male.)

        But I feel like as a concept, it hits something.


    • Alby says:

      “I got in a confrontation in a neighborhood bar tonight re Brazilian politics. I’m a Lula man. Said Bolsonaro is a fascist.”

      I’m having a hard time conceiving of anything less worth fighting about in a bar in Wilmington.

      “Know why I can? Because I’m dialed in.”

      Sure. But I also know why you do, and it’s because you’re trying to compensate for your powerlessness.

      “Most of you are a fucking disgrace. You know why….. You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”

      While you have never figured out what’s worth talking about.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Lula is a modern day Mandela. Political prisoner.

        As far as powerlessness, I suppose that’s true for almost anyone anywhere about everything.

        Anyway, very worth discussing. And I’ll excuse the presumption because you’re just confused. There are reasons I do this but I’m not trying to compensate for anything.

        You don’t know why I do what I do.

  8. RE Vanella says:

    Where’s that cunt eric with his prepared statistics? Fucking Ben Shapiro talking point commenting nerd…. I want to embarrass that dude.

  9. RE Vanella says:

    Also, where’s that cunt eric with his Power Point bullets?

    I want to humiliate that motherfucker.

  10. Will says:

    Carper voted against SB1 strictly bc of the BDS bit…he deserves credit for not being an enemy of the 1st amendment unlike Coons.

  11. Dave says:

    This particular section of SB1 is probably unconstitutional because it constrains 1rst Amendment rights, and corporations are now people, so 1A should apply.

    Regardless of the constitutionality, the state or local government would have to prove that the entity engaged in BDS. Corporations can boycott without taking out an ad tell the world they are doing so. Additionally, if a large corporation wanted to locate a facility in state that had this restriction, I’m betting that the state will stand on economic principle rather than political principle.

    • delacrat says:

      “…the state or local government would have to ….” – Dave

      I’m thinking there could be a issue with any state, municipality, homeowners association… etc having it’s own foreign policy possibly inconsistent with the Federal government’s.