Is Park City Kathy going to be as execrable as everyone thought she would be?

Filed in National by on February 5, 2019

The jury is still out, but this isn’t a good start. Who the fuck swears in their twerpy looking assistant?

“I hereby promise, on this here novelization of the movie Bridget Jones’s Diary, to be a sniveling lackey….”

Well shit, This twerpy looking guy IS a wingnut radio personality. Great work Park City, Crushing it!

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. May says:

    Isn’t that the 105.9 guy?

  2. jason330 says:

    Rob Petree? Wasn’t he a writer on the Alan Brady Show? (Yes, I’m that old.)

  3. bamboozer says:

    “Oh Rob!”, me too.

  4. Annoymous says:

    One of the first photos on his Facebook are him and Larry hogan hahahahahaha

  5. liberalgeek says:

    He was one of the guys that JUST TWO WEEKS AGO fell for the “Change yer name Chris Coons!” hoax.

  6. Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

    I’m betting it’s a prank. I did learn from the 105.9 website that the Indian River referendum was voted down and that the Republican candidate for US Rep Scott Walker and AA live streamer was just convicted of DUI in Maryland.

    • jason330 says:

      Oh, I get it.

      The Twerpy looking dude isn’t really an assistant. Kind of a like the airline pilot giving a kid some wings and touselling his hair. (old days reference)

  7. Peter Briccotto says:

    Soon enough, you’ll be begging for BHL to primary her as she storms the Gov Mansion with Republican policy. Ha!

    My issues with Mickey G aside, good for him. Radio pay & benefits probably aren’t as robust. Nothing wrong with bettering yourself, and branching out!

  8. Arthur says:

    Are you sure its Bridget Jones Diary? i think its The Devil Wears Prada

  9. jason330 says:

    Does he? Or was it a little goof for his radio program? I mean …swearing in? Have you ever heard of an assistant being sworn in? I haven’t.

  10. Stanley says:

    lol, this is just the beginning of disaster in the office. During the campaign all three candidates spoke of getting the office up to compliment. All the auditors just about left. So what does McGuiness do. What she does best, let’s start with cronyism. She hires Mantzavinos as her Chief of Staff, then she hires another friend as the Deputy. Now the an executive assistant. None have auditing experience. So where are the auditors she needs to get the work done? How many more positions can be hired as management and wasted. Oh isn’t that fraud Park City. Is this what is best for the taxpayers. I don’t think so. We want Audits, not an office of Executives. Who will be hired next? Maybe an assistant State Auditor with no experience.