SOTU – Open Thread

Filed in National by on February 5, 2019

Trump could be popular if he pretended to be normal for a little bit. Americans don’t want an idiotic child-man in the White House. Chuck Todd and large swaths of the country would eat up a “normal” Trump.

Democrats (eg. CHRIS COONS) would love to be bipartisan with a President under multi criminal investigations is he would only stop being so Trumpy all the time.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (8)

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    Picture Trump being able to do this. It is really unbelievable how terrible Trump is to make W look like a guy that was a “normal” president.

  2. Nancy Willing says:

    Where are the comments going? I tried twice to post one and they disappeared.

    Well, this one survived. The others were under the Josh Trump thread to share him fast asleep.



  3. puck says:

    Several posts seemed to come and go several times. The SOTU post and the Amick post disappeared and then reappeared several times for me. I didn’t really investigate, but I wrote it off a as maybe a browser caching problem on my side, or maybe you guys were pulling the post back for revisions.

  4. T Kline says:


  5. liberalgeek says:

    I’ll play around with the caching done by the site. I just turned it off, so maybe it’s fixed?