Yet Another Cover-Up From DOC And the State Of Delaware

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on February 7, 2019

Delaware is the Secrecy State.  You don’t have the right to know when cops, corrections officers, and/or entire agencies screw up to the max. Or let out their frustrations on people who get beaten just b/c they are there.

Enter the News-Journal, which at least is covering the prison story superbly.  If little else. Here’s the latest outrage.  Captured, BTW, on videotape.

Yes, the incompetence and indifference is outrageous.  An inmate died when he didn’t have to die.  Can you imagine a nurse wasting time seeking permission to make a 911 emergency call, but never finding anybody to grant permission?

But here’s what is all too common about this incident:

Unlike in many other states, cause of death information, autopsy reports, and police investigative files are not considered public records in Delaware. As a result, Delawareans often only learn what government agencies choose to tell them. Usually, the most the public learns about an inmate death is simply that they died.

I want you to go back and reread that last paragraph. By law, all of this information is kept from the general public. One of those laws being the so-called ‘Police Bill Of Rights’, which hides police abuses from the public. We know that a few inmates recently died at relatively young ages, and all we’ve been told is that there was nothing suspicious about their deaths.  Tell me again why we should believe those assertions. I, for one, don’t.

The only reason we learned of this incident is due to a complaint filed with the State Board of Nursing, which is a public agency subject to FOIA.

Memo to legislators: There is no justification in keeping this information from the public.  There is no justification for keeping malfeasance by public officials and public institutions from the, you know, public.  Failing to address this policy is tantamount to aiding in cover-up after cover-up.

Change the laws.



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  1. bamboozer says:

    Cops in other states “close ranks” when threatened, in Delaware that condition is permanent and you will be informed on a need to know basis. As for our legislators they could care less if the public is ill informed, they fear the state police and it shows. What goes on should be public record, instead we get the “Police Bill Of Rights”. Is any other state stupid enough to allow this game to go on? As ever Fuck The Police and the politicians that enable them.

  2. jason330 says:

    Dear John Carney,

    Can we start putting some money into corrections for christ sake? Ignore the obvious fact that it is the right thing to do, but consider this. Maybe the state could actually save money in the long run by stemming the tide of lawsuits.