I love Amy Klobuchar

Filed in National by on February 10, 2019

We are going to need everyone on board for whoever wins the nomination, so I’m willing to give Klobuchar a shot. Ultimately, I love whoever the Democrats nominate provided the contest is fair and transparent.

– Via NYT

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Mike Dinsmore says:

    I remember El Somnambulo calling this one a few years ago on a very much missed radio program.

  2. Fox Bot says:

    So mean she once shot a man, just for snoring!

  3. Nico says:

    I’ll go with Klobuchar, or any one of the myriad of Democratic hopefuls, announced or unannounced, so long as they don’t run third party. Any and all are vastly better than what currently inhabits 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

  4. Alby says:

    Last week we saw reports that she had a hard time staffing her campaign because she has such a terrible reputation for abusing underlings. She addressed that today by saying, “I am tough. I push people. That is true, but my point is that I have high expectations for myself. I have high expectations for the people that work for me and I have high expectation for this country.”

    Not saying I wouldn’t vote for her, but I do want to be fair. Whenever some testicled asshole says something like this, I’m quick to file it under Assholery Is Good, under the general category of I’m Not Sorry.

    I prefer people who are tough on their bosses, not their employees.

  5. BeverlyC says:

    I agree. I like folks who piss up, not down. That being said, having tough standards isn’t a bad thing and not putting up with shoddy work can get women labelled a bitch, when men are just admired for having high standards. There’s a tendency to want women to use velvet gloves with their steel fists. When they don’t, their reputations suffer. Smile, be soft, be sweet and be nice is how women are socialized; anything less and the knives come out for your from both men and other women. It’s why so many women behave in passively aggressive ways. I think it was Nancy Pelosi’s daughter who said she’ll cut off your head and you won’t even know you’re bleeding. It’s a fine art and woe be unto the woman who doesn’t master it. Is it the right way? Is it the only way and should we dismiss women who aren’t that way? Is there room for different kinds of women? Is there equal opportunity assholry? The question for me is “Is she fair? Does she apply these standards equally to men, women, all races and ethnicities? Is she bright? Does she have good ideas? Everybody can be an asshole. Can she apologize when she is wrong? This is more important and says more about her character than gossip about her reputation.

  6. The timing of the ‘story’ is questionable, to say the least. A preemptive strike on a campaign that hadn’t even started yet. I’d like to know where that story came from, how it got out there, and the degree to which it is true.

    As long as the candidate expects as much from themselves as they do from their staff, I’m not gonna let this influence my decision. Klobuchar’s not my choice as of now. but this seems like dirty pool.

  7. delacrat says:

    Klobuchar voted with Coons and the GOP for the anti-BDS bill, S1.

    She’s against the First Amendment.

    She has no business being in the Senate, much less the White House.

  8. Jason330 says:

    So that’s a hard no unless she becomes the nominee. I that case you will vote for her because allowing Trump to win again is worse than having an imperfect Democrat.

    Got it. Thanks!

    See you at the convention, Comrade.

    • delacrat says:


      To characterize as “imperfect”, someone who uses the Bill of Rights to wipe their backsides at the behest of a foreign country and chronic human rights violator is a gross understatement.

      No, No, No, if it’s Klobuchar vs Trump, I will NOT “vote for her because allowing Trump to win again is worse…” because it’s far from obvious that Trump is worse. I, like all Americans of good conscience, will either pass on the Pres line or vote “3rd” party as happened in 2016.

      • Alby says:

        “at the behest of a foreign country”

        And it’s worse than Trump? You’re too funny.

        • delacrat says:

          The serious people thought Hillary could not be “worse than Trump”.

          Voters disagreed and didn’t think it was “too funny” that she was no better …or is that, but a mere 2 years on, lost on you?

          • Alby says:

            I’m not talking about voters. I’m talking about you. You’re changing the goalposts — you were talking about how “Americans of good conscience” are going to vote, which you clearly believe to be a minority of voters, as the majority of Americans support Israel — if they didn’t, politicians wouldn’t be so quick to defend that country.

            You really have to get over yourself, because you’re a quivering blob of contradictions.

      • jason330 says:

        You, delacrat, have identified yourself as a blithering idiot. Good day, Sir.

        • delacrat says:

          You don’t think we are at a strange pass if defending the Bill of Rights from a foreign power is for “blithering idiots”?

          • Alby says:

            I’m pretty sure everybody here agrees with you about the odiousness of the ban-the-boycott movement. It’s the hyperbole that you insist isn’t hyperbole that draws the reaction.

            I find the attempt by Democrats to muzzle Rep. Ilhan Omar disgusting, but I also find it part of an overall pattern of calling for resignations and demanding rhetorical purity of all kinds.

            BTW, I think you’re wrong on this being a free speech issue. Unless I understand it wrong, they’re not banning you from saying it, only from doing it.