Delaware Liberal

Holy Shit – Kathy McGuiness REALLY swore in her Assistant, who is really a wingnut

I’m in shock. It turns out that the Twerpy looking dude (Rob Peetree), the wingnut radio personality from Sussex who bit hard on the stupid “Chris Coons called on to change his name” story, really is Park City’s assistant and their work relationship really was consummated with a make-believe swearing in. I mean… I’m just…

Fucking… what?

The levels of stupidity of this story are truly astonishing.

So, did McGuiness swear in the entire staff or just Petree?
What was included in the oath of office?
Did she download it from the internet?

I just googled “Sample oath of office” and the top hit was for the Oregon School Boards Association. Did she use that one and just change the appropriate words to “ME” as in “I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, the constitution and the laws of the state of Delaware, and the policies of ME.” ?

Or am I way off base? Maybe assistants are sworn in all the time and I’ve just never heard of it. Maybe the Twerpy wingnut who bit hard on the bullshit Chris Coons story isn’t as Twerpy, dumb or wingnutty as recent employment makes him appear to be.

If I’m wrong, let me know.

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