While Delaware’s congressional delegation slept

Filed in National by on February 14, 2019

Trump to declare a “national emergency”.

President Trump plans to sign a border deal that will avoid a partial government shutdown, and at the same time declare a national emergency, as he has threatened to do, in order secure more funding to build a border wall.

The White House confirmed Trump’s decision, which was first announced by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on the Senate floor.

“President Trump will sign the government funding bill, and as he has stated before, he will also take other executive action — including a national emergency — to ensure we stop the national security and humanitarian crisis at the border,” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    And merrily off to court we go! No doubt the Trump brain trust of Coulter, Hannity and Dobbs thinks this is great stuff and a no shut down win-win. As ever Trump is abusing his extensive executive power in a way no other president ever would and provoking a constitutional crises while he’s at it. “Hello Brett, put down that beer, it’s show time!”.

  2. Alby says:

    Plus things are looking good for whoever has Venezuela in the Where’s the Next War pool.

  3. Delawaredude says:

    When has the DE delegation ever been awake? Like Ever?

  4. Jim C says:

    When it became time to echo a republican administration who said it was time to privatize the US Mail! Carper, we’re lookin’ at you…