Is Trump on heavy pain killers?

Filed in National by on February 15, 2019

It is a serious question. I forced myself to listen to the Rose Garden address and it was flat out nuts. Every news outlet should be leading with “is Trump fit to serve?” stories. He sounded wobbly and hanging onto a semblance of coherence by a thread.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    Hey, it’s an emergency. Look busy.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Or we could just say Dementia Marches On, the net effect is much like heavy pain meds.

  3. jason330 says:

    How is Trump’s mental health not the national emergency? Seriously, many people listend to that and heard what I did and shrugged.

    Coons, Carper, and Rochester among the shruggers.

    • bamboozer says:

      We learned nothing from Reagan, it was amongst my first thought when old man Trump won, the possibility of dementia was high and since then I’ve seen signs of cognitive difficulty and his famed mangling of words like coffee. As such I would never vote for a candidate in their 70’s, Joe or not.

  4. Arthur says:

    i had a theory when he initially ran that his doctors had given him a terminal illness diagnosis and he ran figuring what the hell i’ll be dead in a year.

  5. T Kline says:

    Anything is better than Hillary…

    • jason330 says:

      LOL. The performance art continues.

      I love the subtle acknowledgment that T Kline heard the same level of bonkers that we all did. Deft.

      • T Kline says:

        Well, it’s accurate unless you want a shitty economy.

        Hard work = success (maybe).

        Try it …

    • Alby says:

      Mommy issues.

      • T Kline says:

        Get out there and work your ass off… Don’t buy into the Government doing shit for you.

        • Alby says:

          What are you yammering about? The subject was the president’s mental deterioration. Or do you find that sort of behavior normal? I’ve had a lot of bad bosses, but none of them sounded as bonkers as Yam Man did today.

          • jason330 says:

            The performance artist that goes by T Kline knows that if “hard work” resulted in money, chicken processors would be the richest people in Delaware. No. He is trying to reflect back Trump’s use of the crazy non-sequitur.

            Similar to when Trump was praising China for its freewheeling use of the death penalty, then veers to longing for the 1970s when you could take women and girls through ports of entry, tied up in the backseat of a car, noting balefully, that today “They open the door, they look.”