Open Thread – Republicans seek to shut down negative coverage

Filed in National by on February 20, 2019

Justice Clarence Thomas on Tuesday called for the Supreme Court to reconsider New York Times v. Sullivan, the landmark 1964 ruling interpreting the First Amendment to make it hard for public officials to prevail in libel suits.

Meanwhile,  an overprivileged white kid sues The Washington Post for $250,000,000.

Probably not related.  Just a coincidence, no doubt.  


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Remind me again that the supreme court is “unbiased, non political and impartial”, Thomas is acting for Trump here and it’s beyond obvious. As for the smirking Maga hatter the video is damning, provoking the near universal reaction of “I’d like to smack the crap out of that kid!”. Still do. This is a lawyer’s fishing expedition , the goal is that old favorite “50 thousand and I’ll walk away”.

  2. uckPay says:

    Speaking of shutting down coverage, has anyone checked the moderation bucket lately?

  3. RE Vanella says:

    “He calls it Socialism. I call it caring about your neighbor and that.”

    —nonagenarian bro