The Trump End Game Comes Into Focus

Filed in National by on February 20, 2019

As the walls close in on the criminal enterprise known as the Trump Administration, his plans for avoiding jail and remaining in office are taking shape – and they don’t include fighting out in court.

Rather Trump and his supporters in the Senate and wingnut media are going to claim that the Mueller investigation is part of a coup attempt that began on election day.

They are already gearing up:

Lou Dobbs says McCabe confessed to “FBI plans to carry out what was and is nothing less than the attempted overthrow of the U.S. government”

Sean Hannity repeatedly claims Rod Rosenstein and Andrew McCabe were engaged in “an attempted coup”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (33)

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  1. mouse says:

    I just hope Karma catches up with the carnival barker, his POS Faux News propagandists and the shallow dim witted bigoted white trash who supports this junta.

    • RSE says:

      Yeah, that “POS Faux News” has to go; after all, even one outlet for differing opinions in a sea of collaborative ideology is too much isn’t it.

    • donviti says:

      How the fuck is Karma going to catch him exactly? He barked his god damned way to President of the United States. He’ll take this country to a civil war if he has too. He doesn’t care. I applaud his narcissism

  2. Alby says:

    Sean Hannity might do time out of all this. I don’t think he’ll fare well in prison.

  3. RSE says:

    Maybe I should have said political perspectives or viewpoint instead. You can’t deny that most all of the “news” is delivered with a political slant and that Fox News is the only right of center perspective out there, as far as major television news outlets go.

    • jason330 says:

      ..if you don’t count ALL OTHER major television outlets, which are all “right of center”

    • RSE says:

      I think if there were a completely non biased news network that was only interested in true journalism and just gave the facts without a slant, I think they would do well. I think the average person is tired of biased news.

      • Alby says:

        What you’re asking for is impossible. News organizations, starting with TV because it used public airwaves back then, tried to be objective. Conservatives still perceived “liberal bias,” so Roger Ailes gave them a channel that doesn’t try to be objective.

        Hence, there is no “Fox News of the left,” because none of the “biased” sources you’re complaining about operates as Fox does. As I said, Fox is a propaganda shop, pure and simple. I mean, c’mon, the motherfucking “war on Christmas?” No self-respecting news operation would entertain such nonsense.

        What it all boils down to is conservatism sucks but conservatives either can’t tell or won’t admit it.

  4. Dave says:

    “News isn’t opinions. If you want to call it Fox Opinions, then you’d be accurate. But it isn’t “news.” It’s propaganda.”

    Exactly! Even so, I am able, and I am certain you are able, to discriminate between fact-based news and the opinion that is the wrapper. Actually, any critical thinking individual could watch the Fox Opinion show and glean actual information without consuming the propaganda – spitting out the seeds as it were.

    I think the problem is the lack of critical thinking which would require one read beyond headlines. Many organizations tout their “long reads” pieces, which I often read, while always wondering why most people don’t.

    NJ pieces demonstrate this headline behavior very well when they post something behind their paywall so that all you can see is the headline. The number of comments and opinions based simply on the headline is astounding. How can you form an opinion based a headline?

    Why is it, everyone knows TL:DR but not TS:DU (too short didn’t understand) (I just made that up). But seriously why is there such a thing as TL:DR anyway?

  5. Alby says:

    @Dave: You are right, but critical thinking isn’t the cure-all you might think. Propaganda does not work by invoking or engaging reason but by bypassing it, making assertions over and over again and ignoring all objections they might generate.

    Your conscious mind can reject it, but at the same time the repetition drums it into your subconscious. This is why you read so many articles from people our age who “lost my father to Fox News.” I’ve seen such stories for years now — their father used to be center-left but since he retired he watches Fox all day and parrots their obsessions.

    There are lots of lessons to be learned from the Trump Interregnum, most of which we won’t learn.* One of the important ones is about how cults of personality form, as we have watched one emerge in real time, and how propaganda works to further it. I never want to hear another person, ever, ask how Hitler could rise to power in Germany. Trump isn’t Hitler, but that doesn’t mean the mechanisms involved aren’t the same. This has also strengthened my regard for the “great man” theory of history, because Trump’s actual policies are not out of line with the GOP’s. Yet until someone with Trump’s charisma came along — remember the 16 stiffs he defeated? — they had no hope of enacting their unpopular agenda.

    As for forming an opinion from the headline, that was the idea in the days before clickbait — you wanted someone without time to read the stories to get the “headline news.” We all form some opinion from the headline. The ignorance comes from airing that opinion without getting more information. Maybe some of them are just frustrated that they can’t do that for free.

    * My No. 1 takeaway is that presidential pardon power must be curtailed, by constitutional amendment if need be, so a president can’t pardon his way out of legal liability. I would argue that our government went down the shitter not because of Nixon’s crimes but because of Ford’s pardoning of them.

  6. delacrat says:

    “As the walls close in on the criminal enterprise known as the Trump Administration…”

    The chattering class has been saying the walls have been “closing in” for 2 years.

    Give it up Democrats. Russiagate’s a busted flush.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    Fucking Jimmy Dore. I knew it. Said it earlier this week.

    Total dumb dumb shit.

    I’m not a fan of the block. I’m not a big Russiagate guy either. But this is getting very stupid.

  8. RE Vanella says:

    The red scare-bear aspect is what I take exception to. Everyone is a Putin bot. That’s dumb.

    Jimmy Dore is an ass clown. He supported Lavo Jato in Brazil – the “corruption investigation” designed to jail Lula as a political prisoner.

    He blew off Tulsi’s close relationship with Hindu fascism and Modi who oversaw the Gujarat pogrom and the murder of nearly 800 Muslims. Why? Because Jimmy didn’t know about it and doesn’t care about India. This is what he said.

    I keep an eye on Dore & I knew from reading this guy’s comments he was sucked in by dumb dumb Dore you tube trash.

  9. RE Vanella says:

    Disinformation campaigns? In politics? I think Shakespeare wrote about this in 16th century.

    Everyone’s in everyone else’s business. Ask Michael Manley, Salvador Allende, Mohammad Mossadegh, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez… Boris Yeltsin for that matter.

    If we fall to fake adverts on Twitter we deserve to fail.

  10. RE Vanella says:

    Putin is inside your TV. Like Poltergeist!

    If I’m to take the threat™ seriously, stories like this don’t help.

    • Alby says:

      Your failure to take the threat seriously has no effect on the threat itself. Go ahead and ignore it, we’ll carry on without you.

    • ben says:

      you’re getting lazy.
      That’s an opinion piece, and not a very witty one, that seems to ignore the fact that Netflix’ only agenda is to make money. Guess someone has to step into the “IM A LIBERAL BUT NO COLLUSION!” role since delecrat got bounced.

  11. RE Vanella says:

    carry on with what?

  12. RE Vanella says:

    Come on the podcast and convince me. You have an open invitation anyway.