Delaware Liberal

Republicans cannot be reasoned with nor compromised with. Period

If you haven’t, read this post by Alby. It is the most important post of the year so far. The anecdote is stunning.

The notion that Republicans cannot be reasoned with nor compromised with is not new to DL readers, but we need a broader awakening. We still have many elected officials who think that there is trying to find “the middle” when dealing with these zealots is a virtue. It is not a virtue. It is a suicide pact.

Republicans have dung in. They have fixed themselves on a platform of easily disproven lies. If the DEGOP says “2+2=6” They are wrong. And when Democrats like John Carney and Lisa Blunt Rochester want to meet Republicans halfway and claim that 2+2 equals 5, they are not less wrong. They are simply wrong.

Similarly, when Republicans and Democrats like John Carney and Lisa Blunt Rochester say that dealing with climate change must accommodate the needs of the fossil fuel industry, they are simply wrong.

Progressive Democrats need to defeat Republicans while taking on accommodationist Democrats.

The upcoming elections are vital. We must seek and support candidates who understand that compromise is out of the question. We must not waste time and energy trying to persuade the unpersuadable.

Support Democrats who are loud & proud at all times. Support Democrats who press an unequivocal Democratic message at all times. Anything less is surrender.

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