Not Breaking: Trump is a dangerous child who doesn’t give a fuck about America.

Filed in National by on March 1, 2019

Duncan Black highlights the layers of stupidity in this security clearance story with his comment on this at Eschaton:

WASHINGTON — President Trump ordered his chief of staff to grant his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, a top-secret security clearance last year, overruling concerns flagged by intelligence officials and the White House’s top lawyer, four people briefed on the matter said.

Mr. Trump’s decision in May so troubled senior administration officials that at least one, the White House chief of staff at the time, John F. Kelly, wrote a contemporaneous internal memo about how he had been “ordered” to give Mr. Kushner the top-secret clearance.

Oh wow Kelly wrote a contemporaneous internal memo. We are led by such heroes.

Jared Kushner is one creepy looking motherfucker

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Donviti says:

    Patriot = Memo writer
    The courage that must have taken

  2. Alby says:

    These are known as CYA memos. They aren’t to protect the country, they’re to protect the memo-writer during future court testimony.

  3. Dave says:

    I have heard stories from many folks I know in various departments (Energy, DoD, NASA, NRO, et al). The new paradigm (since 2016) – write everything down – ANVO (Accept No Verbal Orders) and if you are placed in a position of doing so, write an MFR (Memorandum For Record). A few years hence, we will see an avalanche of such memos come to the surface. It will make interest historical reading in the future, should America have a future and not just a history.

  4. I Don't Think So says:

    The memo is the process, the Chief of Staff does not make policy. Kinda like mass killer Arafat was the most frequent visitor to the Clinton White House because Bill Clinton wanted it that way and tax thief Sharpton owes almost $4 million and was a mouthpiece for Obama.

    • Dave says:

      “The memo is the process”? What the heck is that supposed to mean?

      And how would you know how policy is made in the federal government and who makes it?

      I do know how policy is made and I can tell you that you have no clue what you are talking about. Stick to your swim lane, whatever that is.

    • Paul says:

      You are only making unsupported allegations, which no one is required to disprove. Of course you won’t compare those alleged transgressions to the ones of the current administration. That would ruin the illusion you are trying to create, that somehow you are a new arbiter of ethics and criminality. Meh!