I Love John Hickenlooper

Filed in National by on March 5, 2019

I also love whoever the Democrats nominate, provided the contest is fair and transparent. Full disclosure, this headline was really tough for me, because Hickenlooper sounds ridiculous:

“When I come into office, I would go to Mitch McConnell to his office and I would sit down with him and say, “Now what is the issue again?” and we would talk and I would continue to speak back to him — it sounds silly, right? But this works, this is what I did with the suburban mayors, and they hated the city of Denver. You go to any metropolitan area in the country, the arguments between the big-city mayor and the suburban mayors, they’re almost endless. We’re the one place where this has gotten done, and I think it’ll work in Washington.”

Mitch McConnell, a guy only Joe Biden could describe as reasonable, is going to be really open to getting things done with a Democratic President. WTF, Hickenlooper? Been living in a cave for 20 years?

DENVER — John Hickenlooper, the two-time Colorado governor and former brewpub owner who has overseen Colorado’s remarkable economic expansion, declared his candidacy for president on Monday.

Mr. Hickenlooper, 67, a socially progressive, pro-business Democrat who has called himself an “extreme moderate,”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    This is a common fantasy in academic circles, I call it the ” all we have to do is talk to them” delusion. Always reminds me of Neville Chamberlain and his pathetic comments on “Mr. Hitler”. Hickenlooper is making a bid to appear rational, the proverbial “adult in the room”. But we’re dealing with a scheming, lying group of criminals as yet uncaught, it’s like trying to talk sense to a mugger.

  2. jason330 says:

    Indeed. It is utterly absurd on two levels. The one you mention and – what Dem primary voters is he going for with this bullshit?

    Even if he is earnest, has he convinced himself that there is a plurality of Dem primary voters who are clamoring for a candidate who will “go to Mitch McConnell, to his office” and talk with him?

    The cluelessness is mind-boggling. I can only think that when you live in a bubble, hearing people in that bubble say “You should be the President” is a powerful drug.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Ask Obama how successful this tactic is.

  4. Delawaredude says:

    Hes a great candidate. Once people are done dating the sexy ones (Booker, Harris) but get no substance they will marry the less sexy but smarter one….watch

    • RE Vanella says:

      Too boring (comment and candidate). Consider banning. Or the pistol whipping, alternatively. I’m flexible.

    • Alby says:

      He’s dead in the water. He’s a brew-pub owner who tried to kill legal marijuana in Colorado, meaning he’s both retrograde and self-interested.

      You’re going to see people taking a hard pass.

      By the way, you might want to consider occasionally doing some research. Booker is stuck at 1%. You’re obviously no Democrat or you’d know that.

      Another tell: The two candidates you claim have no substance are both black.

  5. RE Vanella says:

    Remember, folks, AOC is an “idiot” and not “bright”.
