Kathleen Davies Vindicated Again

Filed in Delaware by on March 5, 2019

The State News is running a story by AP’s Delaware reporter, Randall Chase, that no local news-gathering organization had the staff to cover.

The Merit Employee Relations Board voted 2-1 Monday to order that former chief administrative auditor Kathleen Davies be reinstated to her previous position within 30 days, and that her termination be changed to a 60-day suspension, beyond which she is entitled to lost wages.

There were no further details, but more is surely coming, as I doubt Park City Kathy is going to want the person she defeated in the primary on her payroll.

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  1. Alby says:

    Jesus H. Christ in a green eyeshade, why is the auditor holding town halls? What the public has to say, or what it wants the auditor to do, has no place in the discussion.

    As expected, she doesn’t have any fucking idea what the job is about. It’s just a stepping stone to the higher office she believes she deserves.

    Is there any way the Democratic Party could just tell Sussex County Democrats they’ll have to form their own party, because they aren’t wanted here?

  2. jason330 says:

    What a joke.

  3. mediawatch says:

    Maybe she wants the good folk of Sussex County to tell her which state agencies she ought to be auditing.

  4. Alby says:

    The News Journal, ever-protective of its sleazebag sources, wants us to know that she wasn’t entirely cleared of wrongdoing.


    • mediawatch says:

      In other words, some of the shit we wrote was true.

      In another piece — on photos showing students in blackface in old UD yearbooks — the “newspaper” came up with an early front-runner for euphemism of the year.
      Without mentioning that it took a court order in 1950 before it admitted black students, the writer characterized the university in the first half of the 20th century as having “a lack of diversity.”

  5. Delawaredude says:

    The auditor town halls are a joke, not to mention her staffing up with Republicans.

    She is just waiting to run for Governor. Its sad she won a Democratic Party primary here.