The Bitter Partisanship of Chris Coons?

Filed in National by on March 5, 2019

Chris Coons has worked hard to develop a reputation as being above party politics. But there is one political party that he appears to be beholden to. It is the Likud Party.

Just look at his lapdog relationship with Likud over the past few months:

* He championed the Likud Party’s efforts to make is a crime in the US to boycott Isreal.

* When Rep. Ilhan Omar’s criticism of Israel was construed as anti-semitic, Coons lept to condemn Omar because Likud doctrine is that ANY and ALL criticism of Isreal is anti-Isreal and anti-semitic.

* He remains silent on the anti-Muslim racist attacks directed at Ilhan Omar.

Where Donald Trump’s words and actions line up perfectly with Moscow’s many of us wonder if the President’s loyalty is America or Russia. With Chris Coon’s actions in the Senate lining up perfectly with the Likud’s there are questions that should be raised.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    Absolute solidarity with Ilhan Omar.

    It’s funny because she said Congress is in AIPAC’s pocket. Then all of Congress go on to prove exactly that.

    Israel is a brutal apartheid state. In the West Bank Jews have civil and human rights from which Palestinians are excluded “by law.” There is a name for this. It’s the Afrikaans word for SEPARATE. Apartheid.

    Gaza is an open air-prison where the unarmed are slaughtered trying to escape.

    Critique of the Israeli apartheid state is not anti-Semitism. The conflation of these is the real scandal.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Same here, Omar spoke the truth. As for Coons what is AIPAC’s power over him? Or for that matter congress as a whole.

  3. Rob says:

    Best post so far by yall

  4. jason330 says:

    Coons’ outrage only applies to imagined attacks on Isreal. During the shutdown, a GOP member of Congress yelled “Go back to Puerto Rico!” on the floor.

    Where the FUCK as Coons’ outrage then? The Likud didn’t care so Coons didn’t care.

  5. Alby says:

    Also noteworthy that he doesn’t routinely call out Steve King for retweeting actual anti-Semites.