Delaware Liberal

All the corruption and madness aside – Trump sucks at being President

We are a party obsessed with paying attention to concern trolls. We are so obsessed we concern troll ourselves when the GOP forgets to do it. Here is a thought, instead of fretting over bullshit, how about telling the simple truth about trump. He sucks at his job.

Many Democrats who want to win back the states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin are focused on whether the party should nominate a moderate, a male, a white person. They’re concerned with rebuking Ilhan Omar and shushing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Maybe they should try pointing out — to the white heartlanders who tell pollsters they “somewhat support” Trump rather than “strongly support him,” or the ones who warily voted for him in 2016 and are now on the fence — that Trump is not doing what they were rooting for him to do if elected. He’s breaking promise after promise. We keep saying that Trump is a larger-than-life grotesque monster. Maybe we should be saying he’s simply a lousy president.

Our portrayal of Trump as an outsize villain elevates him. Saying he just plain sucks at his job would bring him down to size.

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