Dewey Beach is a Shitshow – Culture of Criminality & Drunkeness

Filed in National by on March 8, 2019

FTR – I have no problem with Dewey’s culture of drunkenness. It is a crucible that has produced civic leading lights such as Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. And…uh…Brett. Kavanaugh.

The culture of police intimidation, lying on official reports, selling equipment and pocketing the proceeds – that I have a problem with. The News Journal’s Maddy Lauria provides the deets.

Questionable conduct.

Suspicious sales of surplus military equipment.

Bent license plates.

These are just a few of the dramatic scenes that have been unfolding in the dark – and in the fluorescently lit meeting rooms – of Dewey Beach over the past few years.

A federal lawsuit filed against the town and three officials brought these strange occurrences to a head last month.

Dewey Beach, a resort town known for its party scene and propensity for frequent flooding, has been involved in controversies since at least 2016, when former town manager Marc Appelbaum was at the center of complaints of sexual harassment, racial discrimination and interference with police operations, among other allegations.

On the heels of that drama, which an investigator found insufficient evidence to support, came the news that the Dewey Beach Police Department was selling surplus military equipment, raising questions about oversight and financial accountability.

NO OVERSIGHT, NO CEILING: New report sheds light on Dewey police agency

But it was the latter issue at the center of discussions on a warm summer night in early August that led to criminal charges, accusations of high-powered officials lying in arrest documents and eventually, a lawsuit filed against them all in the U.S. District Court for Delaware.

HS picture of Kavanaugh taken on the rare occasion that he wasn’t drunk.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (19)

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  1. Delawaredude says:

    I like beer………….I still drink beer.

  2. Dave says:

    Kananaugh was a product of Bethany Beach – the quiet, family resort and Dewey’s rep is overblown.

    Speaking of Dewey opening night at Nalu yesterday, I got drun… er. Never mind.

    • Alby says:

      True story: In 1985 I was vacationing in Dewey Beach. One day as I was folding up the beach blanket I spotted a small manila-colored envelope in the sand. Inside was a gram of cocaine. That never happened to me in many years at Bethany Beach.

      • RE Vanella says:

        That’s fortuitous. How was it?

        • Alby says:

          Kept me and a friend up all night writing a song without any instruments to work it out on.

          • RE Vanella says:

            Checks out.

            In my experience cocaine is great. There’s only one recurring issue. There’s never enough.

            • Alby says:

              Great for getting stuff done, just too expensive and hard on the body for my taste. But free’s free.

            • jason330 says:

              That checks out. The one time I tried I remember thinking – I’m glad I don’t have any money, or I’d spend it all on this.

              • RE Vanella says:

                My first time was very similar. I remember thinking…

                “I definitely see how people get addicted to this.”

            • Alby says:

              Pretty much depends on how your brain’s wired. I like uppers and hate downers, across the board.

              I understand cocaine is very pleasant if you use it like the indigenous people did, just chewing on the leaves. It was a marching herb long before it was marching powder.

  3. RSE says:

    How can any respectable small town civilian police force get by without a cache of camouflaged military equipment?

  4. Donviti says:

    So white cop forging police reports….

    How many other victims that live in Delaware or visit has he done this too.

    And does he still have a job?

  5. bamboozer says:

    Fuck the cops! All of ’em!

  6. mouse says:

    There’s a hot band at Dogfish tonight. The starboard has fresh squeezed grapefruit juice with vodka. Spring’s coming, it’s a way of life!

  7. mouse says:

    The pigs in Dewey park in the turn lane illegally and create a hazard so they can harass people

    • RSE says:

      Only place they can sit and wait for speeders. Businesses don’t want them in their parking lots because customers get pissed.

  8. RE Vanella says:

    To break up fights, bust teen drinking, and confiscate ecstasy I’m going need 6 heavy artillery pieces. Maybe two Abrams tanks with 50s on.

    Really a sniper team should be deployed to the Starboard. Law & order must be enforced. The beach should be mined.