Mayor Pete Fever Grips SXSW Democrats

Filed in National by on March 11, 2019

I said not to overlook Mayor Pete. As usual – I gave you the news weeks in advance of the news. (On that note, that tooth that’s been giving you trouble is not going to feel any better two weeks from now. Sorry.)

Re: Buttigieg (Butt-et-jedge)

In a 2020 Democratic field already crowded with candidates, South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg seemed like the longest of presidential long shots. But after turning in an incredibly effective appearance at a CNN town hall event Sunday, Buttigieg’s star seems to be rising.


Though Buttigieg announced his candidacy in late January, the mayor’s first big moment in the national spotlight as a presidential hopeful came Sunday, when he participated in a CNN town hall at Austin’s SXSW festival.

Buttigieg was vocal in his criticism of Vice President Mike Pence. “Please don’t judge my state by our former governor,” he said at the event. When host Jake Tapper asked if Pence would be a better or worse president than Trump, Buttigieg groaned and asked, “Does it have to be between those two?”

“It’s really strange because I used to believe that… [Pence] believes in our institutions and he’s not personally corrupt, but then how could he get on board with this presidency?” Buttigieg eventually responded. “How could he allow himself to become the cheerleader for the porn star presidency…Is it that he stopped believing in scripture when he started believing in Trump?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (29)

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  1. Alby says:

    Mayor Pete Fever? When will these anti-vaxxers ever learn?

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    It’s more like Boot-et-jedge.

  3. bamboozer says:

    The “porn star presidency” remark was golden, but still struggling with the name.

    • ben says:

      yeah, having a weird name doomed Senator Obama.
      Im looking forward to trmp’s 2nd grade level chirps about his name.

  4. Paul says:

    Overall I thought Tulsi Gabbard did a better job of presenting herself that night. She was disciplined, calm and authentic, the traits people are looking for the 2020 election. She spoke truth to power on issues and didn’t dodge questions. She kept eye contact with the people who asked her questions and I must say I did appreciate her ability to stay focused on the question, demonstrating empathy, rare in politics. Tulsi Gabbard is worth a continued look. Mayor Pete won best lines of the night, but Tulsi Gabbard won the rest of the night.

    • Alby says:

      Given where you stand on most issues, I’m surprised to hear you say anything positive about her. She’s the Fox News Democrat.

      • Paul says:

        I simply actively listened to what she said, observed her body language, and watched her interact with those who asked questions. At the least, she made very good use of the CNN town hall opportunity. It is not the last time I evaluate TG’s presentation of self.

        • Alby says:

          “she was disciplined, calm and authentic, the traits people are looking for the 2020 election

          Speak for yourself. That’s not what I’m looking for.

          I find her rigid and ideological in all the wrong ways. Hard pass.

    • jason330 says:

      She is a stone-cold badass. What a contrast with the ineffective, docile losers we send to Congress.

      • xyz says:

        She is a stone cold moron. Looks like an eighth grader reading a book report she was too stupid to memorize. She’s the dumbest politician I have ever seen and that is a real low bar.

        • Alby says:

          You really ought to cite something other than your own worthless opinion. You’re just name-calling, which undermines the entire premise you’re presenting. You, not AOC, are the one who comes off as the idiot here.

    • jason330 says:

      The GOP’s outright AOC panic is like a Christmas present I get to unwrap every morning.

      • xyz says:

        Panic? I was worried who we were going to use in our ads once San Fran Nan went off to the great gated mansion in the sky. Now we have an even better option – easy on the eyes so you don’t mind watching, but a never ending reminder of the intellectual bankruptcy of the Democrats every time she opens her mouth.

        • jason330 says:

          Thanks, Santa!

        • RE Vanella says:


          Oh god, please don’t use all the clips of AOC in “your” ads. Please do not list all her policy proposals and use her speaking. If you did that’d really get “us”.

          Also, please stop saying she’s stupid. It’s really damaging to the cause and is hurting her brand.

        • RE Vanella says:

          Also, specifically, don’t use the entire SXSW discussion between Briahna Joy Gray and AOC. I watched it last night. AOC comes off really bad. That Reagan thing… Wow. Definitely do not use that!

          • xyz says:

            OK kid, we get it. She’s like totally awesome and really smart and stuff.

            • RE Vanella says:

              Very Stable Adult™ has logged on to tell us who’s smart.

              Thank god for very white Boomers!

  5. Arthur says:

    did he give two thumbs up for “the Beach Bum?” a

  6. Delaware Left says:

    You have an equal shot of seeing any Delaware Liberal commentor as your next president as you do seeing Pete Buttigieg have an active campaign when it comes time to vote in Delaware’s presidential primary

  7. RE Vanella says:

    That’s it. I’m running.