Trump issues authoritarian call to violence – Lisa Blunt Rochester still happily oblivious
Our rep in Congress continues to assert that Trump does not constitute a major crisis. Maybe if she keeps patiently waiting, one will show up?
In an interview with Breitbart, Donald Trump had a not-at-all-subtle message for his opponents. “I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump,” he claimed. “I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough—until they go to a certain point and then it would be very bad, very bad.”
Trump doesn’t make it clear who “they” are, or exactly what would have to happen before his collection of soldiers, officers, and bikers would be released to make things “very bad.” Not that details are required. Trump is making it clear he thinks he has the muscle on his side to get his way by brute force, no democracy required.
As the Toronto Star notes, this follows another statement Trump made in November in which he called protesters “weaklings” and added even more components to the mix of “tough guys” who were ready to smack down resisters. “You know, they’re tough guys, right. Where are the Bikers for Trump? Where are the police? Where are the military? Where are the ICE? Where are the Border Patrol? No. No. We’ve taken a lot. We’ve taken a lot, folks.”
I saw a bunch of Bikers for Trump in D.C. that day of Trump’s inauguration. Most of them are pushing 70.
And if he thinks we protesters won’t fight back, good. If they think we don’t own guns, even better.
The idea that the military will follow Trump in a coup attempt is ridiculous, but the hatred being stirred up and the contempt of democratic norms of behavior is the thing to be worried about.
Timothy McVey style violence is being normalized. Meanwhile, Lisa Blunt Rochester thinks everything is okey-dokey.
She was sparked up in her speech for the DEMs tonight. Should be able to catch it on C-SPAN