Highlands Bunker – E07 – Print Your Own Money

Filed in National by on March 15, 2019

Economist Andrew Cassey joins RE Vanella to talk about Modern Monetary Theory, a new old idea which is overturning decades of both Republican and centrist Democratic talking points. A nerdy, but important, listen.

Highlands Bunker – E07 – Print Your Own Money

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RE Vanella says:


    Twitter @HighlandsBunker

  2. RE Vanella says:

    Thought from the Bunker.

    Fuck the police.


    Disgusting. A Miami jury acquitted Officer Aledda, who shot Charles Kinsey (right), claiming he thought he was held hostage by Arnaldo Rios (left). It’s undisputed Aleddo was ordered not to shoot anyone & told both men were unarmed. Rios has autism & Kinsey was his therapist.