General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., March 28, 2019

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 28, 2019

A ‘Just the facts, Ma’am’ edition due to time constraints and a few glitches in the legislative information system.  (Memo to Legislative Council: You might want to take LIS for a test drive. It’s been a little temperamental lately. Nothing serious, though.) Don’t worry, ‘Teh Snark’ will return as warranted.

The Senate unanimously passed legislation increasing penalties for illegal parking in a handicapped space. Good.

Here is yesterday’s Session Activity Report.  Pretty much every bill that we profiled yesterday was released from committee.  Including the following:  SB 35; HB 38; SB 34; SB 58; HB 101; HB 100; SS1/SB25.

The highlight of today’s Senate Agenda is SB 58(Sturgeon), which ‘requires that accumulated snow and ice be removed from services of a vehicle before it is operated and imposes a civil penalty for a violation. This Act also creates a civil penalty for each instance where snow or ice dislodges from a moving vehicle and causes property damage or personal injury but this penalty is not an exclusive remedy for property damage or personal injury.’

Also, for those of you who may underestimate Sen. Delcollo, check out this bill, which is also on the agenda.  Building a strong political base, one bill at a time. I seriously might vote for him over Carney. Especially if we get the gun bills passed this year.

Legislation increasing the legal age to purchase tobacco products from 18 to 21 is on today’s House Agenda

The General Assembly will take next week off as both the Bond Bill and the Joint Finance Committee will conduct hearings instead.  Something tells me that I won’t struggle to find topics to write about…


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  1. bamboozer says:

    Yikes, seems a spate of common sense has broken out.

  2. jason330 says:

    Yeah, Delcollo is getting shit done for his constituents and it all seems to happily twine together with his larger political aspirations. With Simpler sunk, he is clearly the GOPer to watch for some statewide move.

    “The Senate unanimously passed legislation increasing penalties for illegal parking in a handicapped space. Good.”

    That’s good, but what is the formula for figuring out how many spaces a business should have? Asking for a friend.

  3. I’ll settle for having the spots that ARE clearly-marked for handicapped parking be used ONLY by those with handicapped tags.

  4. Arthur says:

    The hanging placards are deceiving. As many people have them to care for a parent but maintain the placard for personal use at all other times. I think it should be based on the actual registration of the car and the license plate

    • mediawatch says:

      The issue here is not so much misuse of the placards by unauthorized persons (which I’m sure does occur) as it is the use of designated handicapped spaces by individuals who do not possess a handicapped plate or placard.
      As well intentioned as the legislation might be, the problem is that the vast majority of handicapped spaces are on private property (i.e., shopping center and office parking lots) that are seldom patrolled by anyone who has the authority to issue a ticket for such violations.
      You’ve got a better chance of getting the fire department out to rescue a cat stuck in a tree than you do of having a cop responding to a call on a handicapped-space parking violation.
      But, WTH, it’s feel-good legislation that looks nice on a campaign brochure.

    • liberalgeek says:

      The handicapped license plate doesn’t solve anything if someone borrows Mom’s car.