Anti-Trump Sentiment Still Strong in PA

Filed in National by on April 3, 2019

This special election for a PA state Senate seat has been largely ignored in the national media. I guess it doesn’t fit the “Trump can win” narrative the press loves so much.

COLLIER TOWNSHIP, Pa. — Democrat Pam Iovino has claimed victory over Republican D. Raja in the special election for a vacant state Senate seat in the 37th District in suburban Pittsburgh Tuesday night.

Iovino held 53.7 percent of the vote as of 10:20 p.m., compared to 46.3 percent for Raja, with 94 percent of all precincts reporting.

The 37th district includes several of Allegheny County’s southern and western municipalities, as well as Peters Township in Washington County.

Iovino will take over a seat that has largely been controlled by Republicans the past 50 years. It was vacated by Republican Guy Reschenthaler after he was elected to Congress.

The district is politically divided: Democrats have a registration edge, even though President Donald Trump won it in 2016.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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