Delaware Liberal

The Republican Party Is An Ongoing Criminal Conspiracy: An Open Thread

It’s so obvious, yet, predictably, it is so rarely discussed, if at all.  But on matters both macro and micro, the Party could be indicted under the RICO statutes, if said statutes applied to political parties.

The purpose of this criminal conspiracy?: To retain power, even if it requires the destruction of democratic norms.  No, let me rephrase that: To retain power which, by necessity, requires the destruction of democratic norms.

You see examples, both huge and small every single day. Take yesterday, for example, and take the most criminally-culpable of all. No, not Donald Trump. Mitch McConnell. Here’s what he did yesterday:

One way to ensure that those no longer in power retain power is to have the third branch of government place their Federalist thumbs on the scale of justice. Trump guilty of all sorts of crimes? Not if the judges say he’s not. In other words, there’s a method behind this power play. To obliterate the notion of impartial justice from R power grabs. (BTW, whenever you hear about our senators talk about bipartisanship, understand that bipartisanship only exists when the Rethugs want it to exist.)

My hope is that this will become an ongoing open thread, and that we will chronicle the relentless lawless behavior of the Rethuglican Party. Why? Because somebody needs to demonstrate the ongoing criminal behavior of the Republican Party. Who knows? Maybe it will catch on.

I’ll be back with more examples later, but I’ve gotta go to work.  Submit your examples. Oh, and would-be trolls?  Stick to the topic or you’re gone. And remember, this is a work-in-progress.


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