Delaware Liberal

How’s your day going?

I can’t really talk about it (as you’ll see below) but I was just introduced to the club. Apparently, all human-beings of goodwill are by default in the club. They remain in the club by following the four rules, and three guidances.

Four Rules:
1) Do check to see that the club is having a great day.
2) Do help the club have a great day, whenever possible.
3) As much as possible, avoid talking about the club.
4) Don’t monetize or profit from the club.

Three Guidances:
1) Check to see that the club is having a great day by using the club greeting – How’s your day going?
2) Nobody needs to pretend to be having a great day, so if they aren’t that’s cool.
3) You can also help the club have a great day by having a great day yourself and by sharing the club’s four rules and three guidances with fellow human beings of goodwill.

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