Trump vs (Insert Democrat Here)

Filed in National by on April 8, 2019

There is going to be a lot of punditry around the Democratic horse race – 99% of it is bullshit. You can tune all of that out. Here is the bottom line:

The Democrat who wins the nomination will be the one who is the most optimistic, upbeat, and hopeful candidate overall. That is to say – the anti-Trump. The candidate, like Obama, who seems to have the sunshine on his/her face and a fair breeze at his/her back. I don’t know who that person is. It looked like it could be Uncle Joe for a while, now I doubt it. That person was Bernie in 2016, but the that contest was rigged from the outset for Clinton. I’m not sure Bernie has the most sunshine this year. We’ll see.

This is all the punditry you need.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Believe the sunshine candidate at this point to be Pete Buttigieg , seems able to hold his own and seems to know what he’s doing. Have yet to hear much negativity, other then owning Mike Pence in perhaps the most polite way possible.

  2. mediawatch says:

    Bernie and Joe are going to beat the crap out of each other, and the sooner it happens the better. Bernie is becoming (or has become?) the cranky old man. Whether Papa Joe’s behavior is a political sin or a mere distraction, it’s hardly helpful to him. No matter, both look like single-term placeholders, hardly what the party needs. The sooner they’re cast aside, the more time we have to select the anti-Trump — in character, in vision and in political/governmental smarts.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    No matter what I ever do you kids are always smitten by neolib fakery and conventional wisdom and “the News Cycle.”

    Buttigieg was a troop and worked for McKinsey. Yes he’s very smart and very slick. That’s fine.

    Try, try to pay a bit closer attention and worry about what you really think not what you think other people may think.

    • Jason330 says:

      Bernie was the sunshine canddiate last round. A bird alighted on his fucking lecture. A fucking bird, DUDE! Nobody told that bird to do it.

      I’m always right about this sort of thing and whatever happens, I’m glad you’ll hold your nose if need be.

    • Dana Garrett says:

      “No matter what I ever do you kids are always smitten by….” Your obsession with your ego was boring a long time ago. Do stop. You are not so much.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    I love how these fucking Boomers take personal offense! They are confused by my posting. I will never stop posting.

    You should all consider a podcast patronage.

  5. Dave says:

    “The Democrat who wins the nomination will be the one who is the most optimistic, upbeat, and hopeful candidate overall.”

    In normal times I would agree. Optimism wins every time because people want and need hope and anyone who offers hope will get a listen. Yet, I have a lot of trepidation, because Trump has pulled the nation so far down in the depths of despair that I can help but wonder if it is even possible to climb out, even if there someone offering us a hand up.

    Even so, if that person were able to instill in the people a sense of a better tomorrow, so that they become optimistic, upbeat, and hopeful. In short, the candidate that makes me feel that way is the one I am likely to support because believe that Trump is going to win 2020 is just way too depressing!