Delaware Liberal

Delaware NRA flat out lying to its membership Re SB70

I guess this is a measure of how freaked out the Delaware branch of the NRA is.


Sen. Townsend and some of his anti-American freedom cronies also want to make criminals out of law-abiding Delawareans and render almost all of your gun useless by instituting a ban on all firearm magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition! Yes, you read that correctly: They want to make your guns useless by banning all of the common magazines the guns currently use! And, oh by the way, Sen. Townsend’s horrible bill calls for you to “relinquish the large capacity magazine to a law-enforcement agency” by June 30, 2020!


Clear the red, white, and blue tears from your eyes and read even more about Sen. Townsend’s push to disarm law-abiding Delaware and American citizens.


Wow.  Clear the red, white and blue tears…?  WTF?  

SB 70(Sokola):

…creates the Delaware Large Capacity Magazine Prohibition Act of 2019. The Act includes clear definitions for the term “large-capacity magazine,” as an ammunition feeding device with a capacity to accept more than 15 rounds of ammunition. After enactment, possession of large-capacity magazine will be a class B misdemeanor for a first offense and a class E felony for any subsequent offense. Those who possess a prohibited large-capacity magazine when this Act takes effect must, by June 30, 2020, relinquish the large-capacity magazine to a law-enforcement agency in this State. This Act establishes a buyback program for large-capacity magazines, to be overseen by the Department of Safety and Homeland Security.

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