Joe’s Working Class Appeal

Filed in Delaware, National by on April 11, 2019

CNN dug through the archives and found documents that explain Joe Biden’s unique ability to woo Trump voters — a series of never-before-published letters from Biden to some of the Senate’s most ardent segregationists, seeking support for a bill that would have limited court-ordered busing.

Mississippi Democratic Sen. James Eastland believed that desegregation would “mongrelize” the white race and had denounced the Brown vs. Board of Education decision, calling it a “monstrous crime.” In 1977, Biden, then a young senator from Delaware, wrote to Eastland seeking his support for a bill that would cut down on the practice of busing students between neighborhoods to integrate schools. Wrote Biden to Eastland: “My bill strikes at the heart of the injustice of court-ordered busing.”

This wasn’t a one-off thing. Biden campaigned on support for school desegregation in 1972, but when it came time to put his efforts where his mouth was, he turned tail and ran the other way, ultimately helping turn the Senate against it. He spewed the typical Biden bullshit in doing so — he still supported desegregation, just not by busing students out of their redlined neighborhoods. He offered no alternative methods.

Ultimately, this is my problem with Biden. Far from a straight shooter, he’s a prevaricator who will do whatever is most convenient for Biden. Better than Trump? Sure, because even rectal cancer is better than Trump. As a party, Democrats must do better than that for minorities and women, who after all are the bulwarks of the base.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Yep, Biden is the very definition of a “politico” who says what he needs to win, then does the opposite when nobodies looking. I’ll vote for him if he prevails and so will you, but it’s a reminder that we’ve never had more then a very few progressives in this state.

    • Alby says:

      Actually, no, I won’t vote for him. I almost always vote third party because it’s Delaware and my vote makes no difference anyway. Whoever the Democratic candidate is already can count on our 3 electoral votes without my help.

      • Dan says:

        But with the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact your Delaware vote could prevent NY and California from going Republican.

        • Alby says:

          As it will regardless of how I cast my vote. The Democrat will win Delaware by at least 80,000 votes.

          • Dan says:

            Under the interstate compact, which has been adopted by 13 states so far, it doesn’t matter which party wins your state or by how many votes. Your individual vote, applied towards the national popular vote count, will impact the outcome of the election. The winner of the national popular vote will get the majority of electoral college votes. Therefore, your vote counts regardless of whether it’s just one of a landslide in your own state.

            The precedent condition that makes the compact binding is that enough states have to join to create a majority of electoral votes. If all existing state-level pending legislation passes, this could be in effect at the time of the next presidential election. It’s going to be a tough sell in swing states like Ohio though.

  2. jason330 says:

    If he ever announces we’ll have to chat about all of this.

    • Alby says:

      It’s the same thing I said three years ago and it got several people’s panties in a bunch then, too. Which doesn’t make it untrue. If you live in Delaware, it really doesn’t matter who you vote for, the Democrat is going to win the presidential vote. This is a factual statement, not an opinion.

  3. El Somnambulo says:

    Joe’s ‘working class appeal’ has always been to those who heard Joe’s appeals to white resentment. He’s never been the ‘working man’s friend’ when it comes to standing up for them against the big banks who have funded his campaigns and his personal lifestyle.

    Now, at his advanced age, he’s pretending that he believes that the crime bill was a ‘big mistake’. He made his fucking bones on issues like that. All the ‘Obama bro’ memes in the world can’t change that.

    He’s done.

  4. Allseeing says:

    Before the women stuff started Politico reported that Joe lost all the online donors and only the bundlers and corporate types were left. The bundlers said no and if he takes big corporate money he’s finished. He shouldn’t even pitch his tent. One move this morning was Hillary’s big interview with Fareed it was very, very powerful =

    It gave my Goose bumps Goose bumps.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      Of course, had Hillary been elected, the same Goldman Sachs crew who made the Clintons wealthy would have been all over that administration.

      I agree that many of the women running this year will govern differently.

      Hillary would have governed like the corporatist she was. I don’t think anything she says could give me goosebumps.