“Break The Law, And I’ll Pardon You.”

Filed in National by on April 12, 2019

That’s what Donald Trump reportedly said to his anointed acting Secretary of Homeland Security:


This President and the denizens of his administration no longer even attempt to hide their blatant lawlessness. Why bother when your AG is in the bag for Big Orange?  If he wins reelection, all is lost. If it’s not already.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Reminds of his famed encouragement of violence at his rallies by offering to pay for lawyers if the attackers were charged. Also a fine reminder of Trump’s contempt for the rule of law, using the presidential pardon as a get out of jail free card in advance of any wrong doing. Believe we are not truly lost if we learn from Trump and make the changes necessary to keep it from happening again, a tall order for the clown squad we call congress I admit.