Join Moms Demand Action TODAY…like right now

Filed in National by on April 12, 2019

Earlier I said that the legislature seems to have had a sudden injection of spinal integrity around the issue of gun sanity. Nothing is signed yet, so it is too early to celebrate, but it is not to early to join the fight. The simple truth is that the DE Legislature only found a backbone when they heard from Mom’s Demand Action.

And if you need proof that the NRA now has a counterweight in Delaware, look at the fact that Sturgeon and Townsend both won in November against candidates strongly supported by the NRA. That’s the kind of evidence other office holders notice.

So it is time to keep the momentum building, but how?

The most practical thing to do is to join Mom’s Demand Action. It takes about 10 seconds. They just want your name and email (or if you prefer a cell phone #).

Do it now. …not sometime today, but now…it is time to join Moms Demand Action – Delaware and add your voice to the growing call for Gun Sense in the First State.  

BTW – This call also goes out to our Republican readers.  Mom’s demand action is a non-partisan grassroots movement to mobilize moms, families and everyday Americans to advocate for stronger gun laws.

You don’t have to be a Mom, you just need to favour common sense and sanity over our current gun mayhem. There should be a broad bi-partisan consensus on getting to gun sanity in Delaware, and there will be when all the leg hall NRA garbage gets taken to the curb.

Use this link to JOIN TODAY!. I just did, and my goal for this post is 10 new signups, so 1 down, 9 to go.



About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    I’m going to need a couple of sign-ups prior to 1:00 to meet my self-imposed goal of ten today.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    This is a very good take.

  3. jason330 says:

    I forgot that Sean Lynn also beat a primary candidate that was a flat out DE-NRA stooge.

    So, NRA 0 for 3.