Delaware Liberal

Bernie Wins Praise for “Medicare for All” on Fox News

I’m not one of the many Democrats who had to take to the fainting couch when Sanders decided to appear on Fox News. His economic message needs to be heard be the audience of weirdos and angry shut-ins that Fox has cultivated. He is also impervious to “gotcha” because he is utterly, unshakably consistent in his message.

That said, I don’t know how it went down because I didn’t watch. But early reviews are good, at least when dealing with Medicare for all.

During a live town hall hosted by Fox News on Monday night, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) responded to a question about why he wants the federal government to provide health insurance for everyone with the usual arguments in favor of a system he calls “Medicare for All.”

He told the largely supportive audience in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, that Medicare is already working well for seniors, and that extending it to the entire population is simply a logical response to problems in the private insurance market.

Bret Baier, a Fox News anchor co-hosting the town hall, followed up by asking the audience how many people currently receive health care coverage from private insurance through their job. A majority of people, including Sanders and Baier, raised their hands.

Then, presumably hoping to show that a transition to public insurance would encounter skepticism, Baier asked the audience how many of those people would want to switch to Medicare for All.

Nearly everyone in the room who had raised their hands raised them again.

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