Delaware Liberal

Bill Barr: Serial Cover-Up Artist

People who profess to be shocked at the blatant cover-up that Barr is currently orchestrating haven’t paid attention to his history.  Here’s why they shouldn’t be so shocked:

Barr’s Playbook: He Misled Congress When Omitting Parts of Justice Dep’t Memo in 1989

Got that? :

On Friday the thirteenth October 1989, by happenstance the same day as the “Black Friday” market crash, news leaked of a legal memo authored by William Barr. He was then serving as head of the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC). It is highly uncommon for any OLC memo to make headlines. This one did because it was issued in “unusual secrecy” and concluded that the FBI could forcibly abduct people in other countries without the consent of the foreign state. The headline also noted the implication of the legal opinion at that moment in time. It appeared to pave the way for abducting Panama’s leader, Gen. Manuel Noriega.

Members of Congress asked to see the full legal opinion. Barr refused, but said he would provide an account that “summarizes the principal conclusions.” Sound familiar?

When the OLC opinion was finally made public long after Barr left office, it was clear that Barr’s summary had failed to fully disclose the opinion’s principal conclusions.

In other words, Barr has had almost three decades to polish the obfuscatory tactics he employed back in 1989.  He is now what he was then: An enabler of criminal behavior.

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