Downstate Dumbfuck Does Delaware Proud

Filed in National by on April 16, 2019

State Rep. Richard Collins has been a festering boil on Sussex County for a long time. Now he’s getting nationwide attention. Raw Story picked up audio of him spewing his ghastly philosophy of male supremacy and selfishness on WGMD, the Voice of Dumbass Delmarva.

“You know, we have a massive problem in this country,” Collins says. “Our birthrate is way, way below replacement [levels]. You know, we are just not having enough babies.” According to Collins, women are “doing away” with their fetuses “before they have a chance to grow into these people that we need to support us.”

Collins was on the air to tout the fact that he has introduced anti-abortion bills in the House because the Senate versions are never going to see the light of day. “These bills are very, very minor,” Collins said. “All that we’re adding is, let them see the baby moving within them and let them hear the heartbeat… Just add the ability to see it move — live action — and they say about 75% of the women will not do the abortion.”

“They” are, of course, lying through their teeth.

Not only can you not fix stupid, it’s almost impossible to shut it the fuck up.

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    I gotta get this guy on the podcast.

  2. Dave says:

    There aren’t enough of us down here to do keep him out of office. So we are depending on you upstaters (and Eastern Sussex) to keep Collins in his place.

    • Alby says:

      His proper place would be at the bottom of one of the inland waterways he has so diligently helped despoil over the decades. That would put an end to his worries about being supported by the babies he wants to force women to have.

  3. jason330 says:

    “Just add the ability to see it move — live action — and they say about 75% of the women will not do the abortion.”

    I wonder who the “they” is in that sentence?

  4. mouse says:

    The asshole fights efforts to protect the inland bays too

    • RE Vanella says:

      mouse. Recorded a good episode last night with Network DE Sussex organizing director Megan Hart. Deep dive into Sussex politics and organizing. Karl on the dials and Margaret on the 3rd mic. Solid session.

      Tomorrow new episode is News Journal Opinion Editor Matt Albright. Megan’s will likely be the following Friday the 26th.