I love Joe Biden

Filed in National by on April 25, 2019

Joe is in. I have a feeling that there are DL’ers who would prefer a different candidate, but everyone agrees that he would be better than Donald Trump. His announcement video (below the fold) is guileless and direct in its approach to what he thinks the country needs right now. I’d gladly support him if he wins the nomination.

I also love and will gladly support whoever the Democrats nominate provided that contest is fair and transparent.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (46)

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  1. Tom Kline says:

    Looks like Uncle Joe was off getting another hair transplant…

  2. jason330 says:

    He is the front runner, and his key issue appears to be how horrible Donald Trump is. I suspect that will resonate with many voters who aren’t political junkies.

  3. MikeM2784 says:

    It’s also an appeal to normalcy and stabilizing the ship of state. To me, he’s trying to appeal to those most at risk from Trumpism who want a “safe” candidate. I think it will have some resonance with minority groups who are already generally a bit more moderate than the progressive activists. However, he needs to also speak to what he is for a bit more, since this video came across to me as very negative and backwards looking in that regard…he won’t excite the base by doing that.

    • jason330 says:

      I think there were three or four main campaign “pillar” videos. They went with this one for the announcement, but we’ll soon get “blue collar economics” and others.

      It makes sense for the announcement if Charlottesville really was the breaking point for Joe.

  4. mouse says:

    I just want a return to common decency

  5. Peter Briccotto says:

    I’m behind him – because as Trump proved with his victory, a majority of our electorate is uneducated politically. Clinton lost the average voter, and many progressives may lose them too. Someone has to chip away these voters from Trump.

    Get Joe the keys to the house, and we can chip away at climate, ultra wealth, and healthcare.

    I’m politically savvy, but don’t consider myself a complete progressive. There’s a lot of us out there, and that’s ok. If progressive policies stand a chance in Congress, there’s got to be one hell of a negotiator in the White House. I think Biden is that guy.

    • ben says:

      anyone still supporting trump is lost. Unless a candidate (probably Seth Moultwnatever) is willing to go hard racist, you’ll never convince those brainwashed hogs to leave their master.

    • REVanella says:

      I’m politically savvy.

  6. donviti says:

    It would be a great, great thing for Delaware that’s for damn sure. I know I talked to a former trump voter (plumber) that said he hoped he’d get in the race. Ill informed voters are gonna flock to Joe.

    Is there another candidate as strong as him on foreign policy?

  7. All Seeing says:

    Watching Maddow last night gave me insight that 45 is in serious shit and sinking by the minute. New York State is getting the financial records on 45 and I can see them indicting him and his family after Labor Day. Then, the Southern District of NY indicting some family. Then DC’s US attorney indicting Trumpet’s then Northern VA’s us attorney indicting other Trumpets. The Republicans in congress panic and tell 45 to step down and McConnell steps down with him by January 1st Happy New Year. Congressional testimony will move mountains as well. Evangelicals will ask themselves, what Jesus would do if a Trailer Park Country with Atomic Weapons helped their guy become President? They will atone. The show = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCQdAY2Bza4

    • Dave says:

      Care to share some of them mushrooms?

      • jason330 says:

        “Watching Maddow last night gave me insight that 45 is in serious shit…”

        I cringe when people say that MSNBC is the liberal version of Fox. I cringe, then I throw up. But maddow is venturing into “Fox for Liberals” territory.

        I know when someone is telling me somethimg because then think it will get me wound up.

  8. Dave says:

    “I just want a return to common decency”

    Don’t we all. I used to be more hopeful than I am today. While it may still be possible to return to that (though often it was merely a mask). Another Trump term and I believe we will have passed the point of no return.

  9. RSE says:

    Disappointed that Biden opened with the false narrative that Trump made a moral equivalence between white supremacists and just plain good people.

    That’s either willful ignorance or intellectual dishonesty. I suspect Trump will make him eat those words.

    That being said, if this dribble is to be his strategy, I have a good slogan for him….”Let’s get back to who we are”.

    I will compromise my personal political beliefs for you Joe… For money… Call me You already know who I am…Sick of busting my ass in the hot sun, Joe.

    • Dave says:

      And just what did “fine people on both sides” mean to you? What sides do you think Trump was referring to?

      • RSE says:

        Whether to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee, or not to remove it. There were two sides, one for it, and one against it.

        • ben says:

          the side against removing the statue of that loser are a bunch of sibling-fucking nazis. So yes. Your Dear Leader put terrorists and victims of terrorists on the same level. fuck off.

          • Dave says:

            I always wondered by we have statues of Lee and none of Benedict Arnold. They were both traitors.

    • Alby says:

      The mistake is in making it about Trump at all. That won’t work.

  10. Karen says:

    Hopeful here that the Biden family corruption issues will come to the fore. What is wrong with the Dems that we nominate these corrupt political hacks? And then we are all supposed to look the other way? People voted AGAINST Clinton, in part because of the flagrant corruption issues. She can blame the Russians but that is a crock. Now we have corrupt Uncle Joe and sonny Hunter and all the ugliness swirling around them with Joe looking really, really bad. Think that won’t all come out? And Warren, who I personally like, but her faking a Native American status for preferential admissions… Wow, so disqualifying. Come on, Dems, can’t we find someone with experience and gravitas, but without all the corruption baggage?

  11. All Seeing says:


    Killer headline is it not?

  12. Alby says:

    I’m tellin’ ya, he might as well wear a “kick me” sign to the debates.

  13. jason330 says:

    Republicans (and probably Putin) are now trying to goad Democrats into supporting Biden by widely reporting how scared Trump is to face Biden.

    That may work. Democrats are easily goaded.

  14. Tom Kline says:

    Joe’s daughter is a topic of conversation at the club. Going to be interesting because can’t manage his own family.

    • Alby says:

      What club would that be, Tommy?

    • Dave says:

      You mean his adult daughter? Do you have any kids? Are you managing them? Do they ever get to go out, live their own lives and make their own mistakes?

      Honestly, anyone here can tell you I don’t spend any energy on insults or abuse, but really you’ve jumped the shark with that one. It’s almost the dumbest comment you’ve ever made. It may not be but if they ever did a post listing all of your comments and voted for the dumbest comment, that one would be right up at the top of the list. Your ability to offer no intelligent commentary whatsoever is so glaring evident that it baffles me why they even allow you to comment.

      You are just an abject waste of internet bandwidth, much the same way you are waste of oxygen.

      • Tom Kline says:

        Huh? Biden raised two bums of the three. Yes, their poor behavior started decades ago.

        He’s 76 and the only reason he’s running is he’s egocentric and thinks his SHIT doesn’t stink. He could give two shits about you or me.

        As a bonus, he has ZERO backing from Barry.

        • Dave says:


          And thus you define yourself as well as validate my observation that you are a waste of oxygen. If you were a zit I wouldn’t even bother to pop you. Which is how I will treat you from now on, which is to say, not at all.

    • Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

      Was his son a topic of conversation too?

  15. nathan arizona says:

    Tom Kline’s “club”? Hair Club for Men is the only one that would have him. Joe’s club too, if recent photos are an indication. Must make for interesting times at the weekly meetings. As Mr. Burns says, people are looking for “dynamic haired men.”

  16. REVanella says:

    If I learn trumpet & start a funk band I’m calling it The Thomas Kline Blowers.