Delaware Liberal

BREAKING: Eric Morrison To Primary Earl Jaques!

Earl Jaques, who has been something of a mixed bag as a state representative, will face a primary challenge from a serious progressive. I especially like Eric Morrison’s commitment to supporting public education, in stark contrast to Jaques’ knee-jerk support for charter schools. Jaques, more than many, has been something of a populist on economic issues, so he’s not the worst legislator in the caucus. But he’s been conservative on some social issues, and he’s unapologetically supported Markell’s support of the corporate educational overlords.   Let the battle of shoe leather begin!

Eric Morrison for the 27th District
My name is Eric Morrison, and I am proud to be running as a Democratic candidate for the Delaware House of Representatives, 27th District.
Who I AmI am a lifelong Delawarean. I grew up in the small Sussex County town of Bridgeville, and graduated from the University of Delaware Honors Program in 1996 as the first person in my family to attend college. I have lived in the Newark/Bear area since 1992. I have worked as a teacher and tutor, as a Medicaid and health insurance business analyst, as a data governance editor, and as a human resources project manager.

Starting in my youth, I felt called to public service. Since junior high school, I have worked to improve the world around me for myself and others—with leadership and volunteer roles in many organizations, and as a community and political activist. Although I am not a religious person, I believe that we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers. I believe that, “To whom much is given, much is expected.”

Today, the call to public service has never been stronger for me. Delawareans are working harder than ever just to make ends meet, and so many of us feel disconnected from, disappointed in, and disenfranchised regarding the political process. Rarely in American history have we so desperately needed bold, principled leadership in elected offices at all levels. In recent years, I have learned much about public policy, the legislative process, and the need for true public servants in elected offices.

I believe that my character, life experiences, and community service uniquely qualify me to serve my district’s fellow citizensand all Delawareans—as the First State’s next 27th District State Representative.

What I Believe
Please allow me to be candid. I believe that members of the 27th District deserve something we do not have now. We deserve a Democratic Representative who believes in the most basic tenets of the Democratic Party—like preserving a woman’s right to choose, protecting LGBT rights, and safeguarding our environment. We also deserve a Representative who is responsive to constituents’ emails and telephone calls regarding their opinions and community issues.

I believe that we need profound change in many areas, including: improving and reforming funding for our public schools; instituting a living wage for all Delawareans, and creating quality jobs; increasing union membership and supporting organized labor; enacting serious reform in the areas of criminal justice, healthcare, elections, and campaign finance; protecting and expanding programs for our must vulnerable, like seniors, children, and veterans; implementing common sense gun control laws; moving boldly to protect our environment; ensuring that we all have clean water; and increasing government transparency and accountability at all levels.

I believe that we face issues of great importance requiring prompt action. But when we work together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. We are capable of addressing vital issues courageously and successfully. If I did not believe that, I would not be running for 27th District State Representative.

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Grassroots Fundraising
Unfortunately, political campaigns are very expensive—filing fees, literature, mailings, signs, voter lists, office supplies, print ads, website and social media costs—and the list goes on. Our campaign will not accept donations from the fossil fuel industry and special business interests, or their PACs.

About 76% of my opponent’s funding comes from PACs, corporations and companies, and special interest groups. But generous individual donors like YOU are the financial backbone of our grassroots campaign.

Please DONATE securely today with debit or credit card through Act Blue, or to through PayPal.

Grassroots Volunteers
Volunteers are the backbone of our grassroots campaign. No matter your interests, abilities, or availability, there is something you can do!

We need folks to drop literature at homes, knock on doors, make phone calls, write letters, stuff envelopes, and fill various campaign roles. You do not need political campaign experience. You just need enthusiasm and a desire for progressive change in the 27th District and statewide.

CONTACT US today about volunteer opportunities!

Social Media & Our Website
See below for links to our Facebook page and website.

Please like our Facebook page, like and share posts, and invite friends to like our page.

Check out our website for our campaign’s full platform and much more.

Thank you for your support!

Contact Us

Mailing Address
Eric Morrison for the 27th
223 W. General Grey Ct.
Newark, DE 19702

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