BREAKING: Eric Morrison To Primary Earl Jaques!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 1, 2019

Earl Jaques, who has been something of a mixed bag as a state representative, will face a primary challenge from a serious progressive. I especially like Eric Morrison’s commitment to supporting public education, in stark contrast to Jaques’ knee-jerk support for charter schools. Jaques, more than many, has been something of a populist on economic issues, so he’s not the worst legislator in the caucus. But he’s been conservative on some social issues, and he’s unapologetically supported Markell’s support of the corporate educational overlords.   Let the battle of shoe leather begin!

Eric Morrison for the 27th District
My name is Eric Morrison, and I am proud to be running as a Democratic candidate for the Delaware House of Representatives, 27th District.
Who I AmI am a lifelong Delawarean. I grew up in the small Sussex County town of Bridgeville, and graduated from the University of Delaware Honors Program in 1996 as the first person in my family to attend college. I have lived in the Newark/Bear area since 1992. I have worked as a teacher and tutor, as a Medicaid and health insurance business analyst, as a data governance editor, and as a human resources project manager.

Starting in my youth, I felt called to public service. Since junior high school, I have worked to improve the world around me for myself and others—with leadership and volunteer roles in many organizations, and as a community and political activist. Although I am not a religious person, I believe that we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers. I believe that, “To whom much is given, much is expected.”

Today, the call to public service has never been stronger for me. Delawareans are working harder than ever just to make ends meet, and so many of us feel disconnected from, disappointed in, and disenfranchised regarding the political process. Rarely in American history have we so desperately needed bold, principled leadership in elected offices at all levels. In recent years, I have learned much about public policy, the legislative process, and the need for true public servants in elected offices.

I believe that my character, life experiences, and community service uniquely qualify me to serve my district’s fellow citizensand all Delawareans—as the First State’s next 27th District State Representative.

What I Believe
Please allow me to be candid. I believe that members of the 27th District deserve something we do not have now. We deserve a Democratic Representative who believes in the most basic tenets of the Democratic Party—like preserving a woman’s right to choose, protecting LGBT rights, and safeguarding our environment. We also deserve a Representative who is responsive to constituents’ emails and telephone calls regarding their opinions and community issues.

I believe that we need profound change in many areas, including: improving and reforming funding for our public schools; instituting a living wage for all Delawareans, and creating quality jobs; increasing union membership and supporting organized labor; enacting serious reform in the areas of criminal justice, healthcare, elections, and campaign finance; protecting and expanding programs for our must vulnerable, like seniors, children, and veterans; implementing common sense gun control laws; moving boldly to protect our environment; ensuring that we all have clean water; and increasing government transparency and accountability at all levels.

I believe that we face issues of great importance requiring prompt action. But when we work together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. We are capable of addressing vital issues courageously and successfully. If I did not believe that, I would not be running for 27th District State Representative.

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Eric Morrison for the 27th
223 W. General Grey Ct.
Newark, DE 19702


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  1. jason330 says:

    I just looked at Carper v Harris hoping to see Harris close to Carper. I didn’t see that. Carper beat her 2:1 (1,450 /759) which makes me think that the 27th perhaps isn’t really a hotbed of progressive unrest.

    This is going to be a tough uphill fight. If Eric Morrison is dedicated to a multi-cycle effort it makes sense.

  2. I take your point, but this may not be a race solely based on who is more progressive. I don’t know how diligent Jaques is or isn’t on constituent services, but Morrison argues that he’s not been all that visible/responsive in the district. Local stuff like that can make a difference.

    Plus, sometimes, like what happened with Mike Mulrooney last cycle, an incumbent decides he/she just doesn’t want to be out there pounding doors any more. Same thing would happen if John Viola was primaried.

  3. Nunya says:

    I love Eric’s politics. I don’t like his batshit style on social media. There’s really no one more abrasive or jerklike than he is on Facebook. He’s almost intolerable in his ability to consider other viewpoints or ideas.

    That district needs a breath of fresh air and Eric may very well be it. But he needs an almost complete overhaul of his unhinged attitude if he is to be taken seriously as a candidate and, more importantly, as an elected state representative.

    Good luck to him!

  4. Bane says:

    Good point Nunya,

    Can you say abrasive?

    You should also check out Trump’s numbers in the 27th. Not half bad for a small “d” district. Also, before Jaques, moderate Republican Vince Lofink used to represent the district. This is not a liberal oasis, however its all about turnout. Whoever has the best ground game tend to win head-to-head primaries. What I know about Earl Jaques is that during campaigns he works the doors like no other. Not sure if he has the energy or the desire to put that kind of effort out for a 6th time.

    • Nunya says:

      I think Eric could beat Jaques in a primary if Delaware United turns out in droves to doorknock. I fear a general election if a well funded GOPer is put up and they go digging through his lunacy on Facebook. I really do like Eric’s politics and stances on social and economic justice, but he really is cruel and abrasive on social media in a way that even some of my Trump-loving friends aren’t.

      He needs to learn to accept others aren’t going to always agree with him in style or substance. If he is to be elected, then he’s really going to have to learn to play well with others.

      • I know we’re getting way ahead of ourselves here, but I am pretty sure that this will be FAR from the only game in town, and probably FAR from the highest prioritized race for progressives.

        • Nick says:

          He’s also going to struggle with getting doorknockers when he has stated that it’s unethical to donate to Planned Parenthood of Delaware – a lot of people who dislike Jaques’ record on abortion really disagree with that.

  5. Looks like his Facebook page may have been removed:

    • Nunya says:

      I just accessed both his personal and campaign page. Not sure that link is correct. They’re both definitely up.

      • Can you provide the links? Thanks!

        • Nunya says:

          I just did a search from my Facebook page for “Eric Morrison” and both his personal and campaign page came up.

          If you click the Facebook button in your original post above, it will take you to his campaign page. That seems to be working. I think it’s this link:

          • Thanks! I went back about two months and didn’t see anything that I consider either controversial or confrontational on Eric’s Facebook.

            I saw a bunch of positive shoutouts, almost to the point where Eric makes Paul Baumbach seem parsimonious in his praise for others. That’s hard to do.

            • Nunya says:

              That’s his campaign page. His personal page is littered with crazy shit. But the real lunacy goes down in the comments on his personal page and on the pages of many other people.

              His campaign page is completely devoid of anything controversial, which makes sense.

              • That’s why I asked for a link. Can you link me to wherever he allegedly says the crazy shit?

              • Nunya says:

                Are you on Facebook? His personal page is locked down. I’m not friends with the dude and can’t see anything he says anymore. It’s been a while since I’ve been on his page.

                If you are on Facebook, you have to be friends with him to see his stuff.

              • REVanella says:

                I am not. Never have been. Will never. Pointless.

  6. REVanella says:

    Geo HW Bush was a war criminal and the world is far better now that he’s dead.

    This is not bullying. This is just a fact. Fuck the Bush family and fuck you… Fucking 27 Guy… Come, on.

    I’ll be back in town tomorrow.

    • REVanella says:

      Geo HW Bush should have been hanged in the public square in the Hague.

      The fact that he lived a long life of great wealth and comfort after brutally enforcing Anerican empire for like six decades is a crime in itself.

      Just because you’re a rube doesn’t make the truth “wacky”. You’re just fucking stupid.

      (This is how you post)

  7. REVanella says:

    If you want to hear a bit of what he’s about this’ll help.

    I spoke with guy an hour one-on-one. Get off Facebook you fucking dummies.

    • Nunya says:

      Maybe you should give him the same advice.

      • REVanella says:

        Why, because he’s mean to freaks and ghouls on some arcane social media platform? Nah. That’s why it’s there.

        • Nunya says:

          You’re describing some pretty reasonable people he’s attacked, insulted, and maligned as “freaks and ghouls.”

        • Well, IF he wrote on social media that Joe Biden is a ‘sexual predator’, he’s not getting elected to anything in Delaware. Definitely not in the 27th.

  8. REVanella says:

    out of touch

    • REVanella says:

      This worm brained turd thinks being mean on the internet is disqualifying and we’re out of touch.


      • Hmm says:

        It is. Most people want actual humans to represent them, not assholes. You really should learn how to interact with other humans.

  9. Kent says:

    DE Dems eating their own again

  10. If what y’all say is true, it won’t even be close to 60-40. But I have yet to see the crazy stuff, though I’m not saying it doesn’t exist. I kinda think it does.

  11. Mike Matthews says:

    I feel like I should chime in here, mainly because my name was mentioned above. But, mostly because I don’t feel comparing my situation to Eric is at all fair.

    First, as others have said, I do agree with a lot of what Eric supports. Ideologically, he’s a great progressive who aligns with Bernie Sanders on virtually everything. He has awesome ideas and he’s done some really great boots-on-the-ground work for candidates up and down the state.

    That being said, let me also say his attitude online is bizarre if not downright contemptible. Eric first “friended” me several years ago as Anita Mann, which I believe was his drag personae. I could be wrong. I very well may be wrong, but I believe that to be true. Totally fine. I believe this is the period Eric began getting involved in politics. Again, I could be wrong. Bernie lost the primary in 2016 and, I believe, this quickened his interest in local politics.

    At some point, Anita Mann unfriended and blocked me on Facebook after we got into some heated debates on some point or another. At one point, I tried to talk to Eric over Facebook Messenger to see if we could find some common ground. He was just as brutal and condescending and attacking in private messenger as he was publicly and that’s when he blocked me.

    Fine. A few months later, he created a new account, Eric Morrison, and he eventually friend-requested me, I’m guessing because of my role at DSEA and my general outspokenness/progressiveness on education issues. There were times I would comment on his posts and he would lash out at me in an absolutely outlandish and bizarre way. There were times he would come over into my posts whenever I posted something he didn’t like and there were times he would be endless in his insults of me and my commenters on my page. At a certain point, I guess Eric became annoyed that I was challenging him too much and calling out his blatant inconsistencies that he eventually blocked/unfriended me AGAIN.

    Several months after that, I believe it was around the time my partner, Jose, was running for school board, Eric AGAIN FRIEND REQUESTED ME. I’m like “Whoa…what is this guy’s deal? He’s only requested and blocked/unfriended me two other times?” So, being the guy I am who’s pretty easy to get along with, I accepted Eric’s third request. I was used to his attitude and bizarre online rants, so I refused to engage him.

    Once the news of my resignation and my past blog posts went public, Eric wrote some extremely awful things about me on Facebook that, I feel, were more as a way to attack me for disagreeing with his methods of delivery over the years. Some of the things he said were truly, truly brutal. We were still Facebook friends at this point, but I was going through my own inner hell and I, of course, refused to engage him. He seemed content CONTINUING to attack me even after I offered my lengthy apology and mea culpa. Fine. Whatever.

    Several weeks after that, I put up an article on my personal Facebook page calling out all the progressives stating that the House needs to elect someone other than Pelosi as Speaker. In my post, I agreed in theory that I, personally, would LOVE SOMEONE MORE PROGRESSIVE THAN PELOSI, but too many progressives were NOT looking at the functional reality of the situation and that Pelosi was probably the most progressive we would end up with.

    Well, I guess that set Eric off. I wasn’t even addressing him in my post and he came barging in to my space going all apeshit saying I’m wrong. What made it worse, though, is he made some truly awful and off-color ad hominem attacks saying that I can’t be trusted because I’m an awful person who wrote awful things on a blog years ago and I resigned my position. He couldn’t even stay on the topic of the post without attacking me personally.

    Some folks came to my defense and Eric eventually unfriended me — AGAIN! You’d think after everything he was saying about me *I* would have unfriended him!

    What’s even FUNNIER is several weeks after all of this, I liked his campaign page and I liked a bunch of the posts he was putting up. It was then that he FRIEND REQUESTED ME A FOURTH TIME! I’m like “Jesus Christ…WHAT IS WITH THIS DUDE?” It was at that point I said “Hell no…not going down that shitshow rabbit hole again!”

    Let me say this. Someone above said “Oh I sat down with him for an hour and he seems cool.” Ummmm…I’ve shared a meal with Eric across a table and, you’re right, he’s totally reasonable and cool and puts out none of the lunacy he shows online. I’ve been in multiple settings with him over the years where he’s truly cordial and thoughtful and awesome in person — which is why his online persona is so bizarrely confusing.

    Here’s my issue with Eric: He takes any opportunity he can to shit on Democrats if they do or say one thing against his ideological purity. I’m not saying I want my Democrats to get in line. Hell no. But at a certain point there does need to be just a mild bit of party unity. I don’t see him doing that. I don’t live in the 27th, but here’s where I believe I’m different from Eric. I have some issues with Earl Jaques on education, but I generally like the guy. If Eric were to pull of a win against Earl, I wouldn’t play the bullshit games that he played with Bernie/Hillary. I would get my ass behind Eric because I know, ideologically, I agree with him on 90%+ of the issues. I would give Eric the courtesy that he failed to give the ONE PERSON that would have kept us from a Gorsuch/Kavanaugh combo on the Supreme Court.

    Because I realize that the perfect CANNOT BE the enemy of the good. Eric would absolutely get my vote in the 27th, but I sure as hell hope he would commit to cleaning up the downright bizarre, condescending, hurtful, and crazy things he posts online regularly.

    Maybe he already has? I deactivated my Facebook three weeks ago for the first time in 15 years and it feels great! I wish Eric the best. He’s got a lot of great ideas, but he needs to learn to get along with people better and be a little more conciliatory to dissenting opinons and not always believe that what he says is gospel truth.

    • Man, I’m so glad I’ve stayed away from Facebook.

      I listened to the Bunker podcast with the Rev, and he seemed quite reasonable.

      But, if he’s left a smoldering trail of vitriol online, a RECENT trail, then I don’t see how he can win a campaign while counting on the votes of those he’s savaged.

    • REVanella says:

      Did I say he “seemed cool”? No, I did not. I alluded to the idea that maybe, if you want to get a read on the dude and you don’t know him, a 50+ minute conversation could yield more than a bunch of Facebook arguments.

      Of all people I think you’d have gotten that.

      • Who are you responding to here? Just trying to keep track.

        • REVanella says:


          “Let me say this. Someone above said “Oh I sat down with him for an hour and he seems cool.” Ummmm…I’ve shared a meal with Eric across a table and, you’re right, he’s totally reasonable and cool and puts out none of the lunacy he shows online. I’ve been in multiple settings with him over the years where he’s truly cordial and thoughtful and awesome in person — which is why his online persona is so bizarrely confusing.”

          I did not say anything like this. Also I resent being calling “someone above”. 😀

          • Mike Matthews says:

            I only said “someone above” because I was mid-stream-of-thought and didn’t feel like scrolling up to see who said it. My apologies.

            I won’t apologize for my characterization of your comment about how you sat down with him for an hour that you feel everything is cool. I stand by what I said. My point was that I’ve also sat down with him and his behavior online remains. As other commenters have said in this thread, I think there should be some concerns about 1) his electability and 2) his ability to govern if he is so abrasive and disinterested in dissent and honest debate.

            El Som has hit this on the head. Many of us are LITERALLY in line with him on his issues an politics. I won’t stand for the online bullying and lunacy that he has displayed time and time again.

  12. Gotta say, it’s one of the more unusual (and, in my case, unexpected) threads I’ve seen in awhile.

  13. REVanella says:

    Isn’t that the way it’s suppose to work? If you do like the candidates run yourself.

  14. REVanella says:

    Probably won’t do since the internet isn’t real life. You guys are struggling with this concept.

    • I think that you may be struggling with the concept that someone who says that Biden is a ‘sexual predator’ ain’t gonna win jack in Delaware.

      What’s so unusual about this thread, and I can’t quite recall one like it, is that the people who are blistering Morrison are people who agree with his positions. I haven’t detected any Jaques trolls whatsoever, and I can smell trolls from afar.

      • REVanella says:

        Because of Facebook. Cool.

        No I get everyone loves Joe! I mean he can hug ya or goose ya or smell your hair or whisper little nothings into your ear…

        Whether you’re cool with it or not…

        Because that’s our favorite celebrity’s style.

        Frankly, I personally don’t see it as “sexual” necessarily, because of what I perceive as intent.

        Like you said, everyone agrees with Morrison”s politics, but he’s suppose to pretend Joe Biden is good and be nicer on social media. OK.

        • Yikes says:

          “The internet is irrelevant!” – Internet opinion haver

          • REVanella says:

            Social media specifically. But yeah, I think everything I put here is more or less irrelevant. Exactly.

            It’s a way to kill some time, get a bit of news and make fun of drooling fucksquibs and dipshits. Like you for example.

            • REVanella says:

              Fair enough.

              Calling Biden sychophants out on Facebook is one thing.

              Actually being an asshole is another. If all you know is the guy has fits on Facebook I think it’s bullshit to say the guy’s an asshole.

              Now, maybe he is. But certainly fucking Facebook ain’t the way to gauge it.

        • As you know, I’m no Biden supporter. But, just like any candidate, what Eric has said and what he has written are fair game. He chose to post this stuff on social media. There are no takebacks.

          • REVanella says:

            I don’t think he should take it back. And yeah it’s fair game. I got no problem arguing about it.

            (Caveat. I assume he wrote it but don’t know.)

  15. REVanella says:

    I think it might be time for El Som to return to the Bunker.

  16. REVanella says:

    Have you ever imagined that courting the Biden voter just gets you Earl Jacques?

    If people are offended by critiques of Biden those people worthless. We need to find new people. Better people. Who may be have been disenfranchised or marginalized.

    If we keep playing the same game we’ll get the same results. The same old shit is fucked up. So let’s call it fucked up and try to change it.

    If anyone is interesting in fanning out or stanning for Biden that person is nearly worthless to my political ends.

    For some reason you all think only one type of person can be engaged into the political process. The type who needs coddling and pandering. I don’t think this.

    A political electoral result is meaningless unless you gave a mandate for change. Blowing smoke up the ass of an exburian wine mom is a dead end

    • Calling someone a sexual predator is not a critique.

      It’s just a pejorative. The kind of pejorative which guarantees political irrelevance.

      If you want change, you can do better than hitching your wagon to someone who calls Biden a sexual predator. Even if you think it, keep it to yourself.

      • Dave says:

        “Actually being an asshole is another. If all you know is the guy has fits on Facebook I think it’s bullshit to say the guy’s an asshole. Now, maybe he is. But certainly fucking Facebook ain’t the way to gauge it.”

        Actually, it is one way of gauging it. A 2011 study from the University of Texas at Austin’s Department of Psychology called “Manifestations of Personality in Online Social Networks: Self-Reported Facebook-Related Behaviors and Observable Profile Information” published in the academic journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking found that Facebook users are no different online than they are offline. The study also revealed strong connections between real personality and Facebook-related behavior. Social and personality processes, the study says, accurately mirror non-virtual environments.

        Who you are here and other virtual places is who you really are.

    • Mike Matthews says:

      Jesus Christ that’s a whole lot of something without saying anything, Rev. What we are saying is that the way THIS candidate treats people COULD be indicative of how he governs. Why are you so damn blind to that?

    • Mike Matthews says:

      Let me put this another way, REV. If a Republican were speaking to people like this online, my guess is you wouldn’t be so willing to dismiss it.

      • REVanella says:

        Yeah, I raged on and on about Scott Walker. I’m always talking about petty social media shit…. I go on and on… I’m obbessed. with Trump’s tweets.

        *I’ve don’t think I’ve ever done anything like this. I’m not nearly this boring.*

        I also like how you skipped over the bit where you wrote I asserted something I didn’t. I guess we’ll agree to skip that.

        I fucking defended you during your fucking time in the barrel too, you god damn ingrate.¹

        Look, I don’t care that the guy’s mean on social media.


        ¹come on the podcast

        • Mike Matthews says:

          I actually did address that in a response up above, REV. My response remains: You claiming that you had a nice sit down with Eric is a moot point because many people have had nice sit downs with him only to be eviscerated and crazily lashed out against online.

          As for the podcast, maybe. 😉

          • REVanella says:

            Dude, I don’t know what you’re talking about.

            I said I think it would be better to judge someone based around a real conversation than what you read (or heard 2nd hand) on social media.

            I stand by that, because I’m right.

            I also think we need more fucking passion & fighting in politics. Less chumming around & stoking each other off.

            I also stand by that. Same reason. It’s correct. I’ve never seen so many people eat so much shit and kiss so much ass and get so little in return.

            • REVanella says:

              Have you met the guy or only social media?

              • REVanella says:

                That’s strange. I agree.

                I mean I know most of the cats on here personally. And we fucking go at it on here. But it doesn’t go that far.

                Again, Morrison specifically has got to get his shit together online. I just don’t put a lot of credence in Facebook/Social Media in general.

        • REVanella says:

          I’m hated by all the right people. It’s by design.

  17. Alby says:

    Looking at his employment history demonstrates the old truism that if you fail at everything else, try politics.

  18. Alby says:

    @REV: When people say it’s a bad idea to criticize Joe Biden, they mean it not as general advice but as a true statement about a person’s overabundance of candor.

    Everyone here criticizes Joe Biden, which is fine because none of us is running for office. Criticizing the Local Hero might work for a Democratic candidate running for a safely blue seat and no primary, but it’s not going to work in a primary against a more moderate Democrat. This isn’t a value statement, it’s a piece of political analysis that’s so obvious the only complaint about it is that it should go without saying.

    What we might learn by sitting down with Mr. Morrison is moot. He’s not likely to get a hearing from most people once they learn he’s a hothead.

  19. nathan arizona says:

    REV: Probably a good thing you don’t want to do any “chumming around.” Might be hard to find takers.

  20. REVanella says:

    Anyone who adores Biden & thinks he’s a local hero needs to either be harshly dispelled of that myth or totally ignored.

    Your political analysis is to campaign exact same constituency of a few 1000 people. Mine isn’t. Gotta find new people. Give people a real choice not more of the same.

    The mistake Albright made in our podcast saying we have to convince Republicans who changed their registration to vote for Purzycki. We absolutely don’t and won’t. The mayor figured this out. You guys seem stuck in 1990.

    Look, maybe the guy’s not nice online. I don’t know. I only spoke with him that once in person. But generally we gotta call out these fuckers as we see them or we’ll never get anywhere.

    • Alby says:

      The time for that is after you’re elected, not before, because if you do it before you won’t get elected.

      Unless I badly miss my guess, your complaints about Biden have nothing to do with his handiness. That’s apparently the grounds on which Morrison attacked him. You might get away with criticizing his policies, but criticizing him personally will do you as much good as it did opponents of Mike Purzycki to call him a racist. I would go so far as to say a candidate in Morrison’s position has to decide whether he’s running for office or giving free rein to his opinions. Because if it’s the latter, he won’t accomplish the former. You can bellyache about it forever and it still won’t change the math.

      As for the political analysis angle, I don’t think you’re going to change the human tendency to state the obvious.

  21. REVanella says:

    The time for that is after you’re elected, not before, because if you do it before you won’t get elected. Don’t disagree.

    Your complaints about Biden have nothing to do with his handiness. Correct

    That’s apparently the grounds on which Morrison attacked him. You might get away with criticizing his policies, but criticizing him personally will do you as much good as it did opponents of Mike Purzycki to call him a racist. I don’t know anything than what I read here. Purzycki is a racist perhaps unwittingly. Pandering to folks who care about Biden’s feeling go no where in my view.

    Here’s the “math”. Jacques has never faced a primary. In the last general election 8347 people voted in total and 7123 for Jacques. RD27 has 22,000 people. Find new people. That’s the math.

    • liberalgeek says:

      Jaques faced a primary against Jim Maravelias in 2010. Jaques won with 64%. FWIW, the district lines have changed since then.

  22. REVanella says:

    Ah, makes sense. I noticed that the RD27 shit I was looking at looked very recent. Appreciated.

    Same math though. 22,000 people. Find some good ones.

    • Alby says:

      I think you overestimate the number of good people in Delaware, and might be misinformed about their geographical distribution.

  23. former DEM committeeman says:

    He worked for Dennis E Williams’ campaign for State Auditor
    Dennis E. Williams was defeated in a primary for re-election as 10th RD state representative by Sean Matthews.
    Now you know why he is running.

  24. former DEM Committeeman says:


    I mixed Morrison up with the guy who just announced against Matthews

  25. Theyryrh says:

    The one thing I realized about Delaware politics is personal attacks don’t work here. Carper was almost benefited here when they brought to his domestic abuse charges way back when till Arlett did it this cycle. Calling Biden a sexual predator will eliminate you from being taken serious. People don’t like the nastiness here and mr Morrison doesn’t seem to get that:

  26. AnitaMann says:

    LOL this is absolutely idiotic. Eric has nothing to apologize for, HW was a war criminal and a sexual pest. I have heard many different things about Jacques and how he doesn’t respond to constituent requests. A grassroots campaign focused on US will kick him out EASILY. I cannot say enough times how stupid this is.

    • Ohbou says:

      Ok Anita aka Eric. Please campaign telling people you thinking George w bushs sr is a war criminal. Please please do it! Let me know how it works out for you Eric

  27. jason330 says:

    Comments have been removed from commenters who used more than one name in this thread.