Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues., May 7, 2019

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 7, 2019

Tomorrow is the big day. Three major gun control measures will be considered in the Senate Executive Committee. These three bills:

SB 68 (Townsend) ‘prohibits the manufacture, sale, offer to sell, transfer, purchase, receipt, possession, or transport of assault weapons in Delaware, subject to certain exceptions.’

SB 70 (Sokola) ‘creates the Delaware Large Capacity Magazine Prohibition Act of 2019. The Act includes clear definitions for the term “large-capacity magazine,” as an ammunition feeding device with a capacity to accept more than 15 rounds of ammunition. After enactment, possession of large-capacity magazine will be a class B misdemeanor for a first offense and a class E felony for any subsequent offense. Those who possess a prohibited large-capacity magazine when this Act takes effect must, by June 30, 2020, relinquish the large-capacity magazine to a law-enforcement agency in this State. This Act establishes a buyback program for large-capacity magazines…’.

SB 82 (Sturgeon):

(1) Creates an application process to obtain a handgun qualified purchaser card, to authorize the purchase of a handgun, or a firearms qualified purchaser card, to authorize the purchase of firearms other than a handgun. Like Senate Bill No. 69, this Act then requires licensed importers, manufacturers, or dealers, as well as unlicensed persons, to require an individual to present the individual’s handgun qualified purchaser card or firearms qualified purchaser card before selling or transferring a firearm to an individual. (2) Requires that an applicant complete a firearms training course within 2 years before the date of application, similar to what is required by Delaware’s concealed carry permit law. (3) Sends to law-enforcement information that is already collected at the time of sale and required under federal law to be made available to law-enforcement.

You know that the criminal organization known as the NRA will have their dead-enders out in force.  Let your legislators know that this issue is important to you and that you support these bills. Democracy dies in silence.

Today’s agendas are of the Cream Of Wheat variety except with fewer lumps. Which has become the modus operandi for these first-day-back sessions.

Let’s search today’s House Agenda for something of interest. Hmmm, I know special interest legislation when I see it, and HB 125(Schwartzkopf) is special interest legislation. How do I know? Well, the synopsis doesn’t tell us what the bill would do.  Hey, I think most of us would like to see growth in Delaware’s craft beverage cottage industry, but what does the bill do?  Here’s what it would do:

Section 1. Amend Title 4 of the Delaware Code by making deletions as shown by strike through and insertions as shown by underline as follows:

§ 512B(8): The provisions of § 506 of this title to the contrary notwithstanding, it shall be permitted to have an interest in, be affiliated with, operate, or own another supplier or manufacturer located outside the State and have an interest in a farm winery, microbrewery, and/or craft distillery licensed under this chapter and actually located in this State, provided that the total domestic sales of all affiliated suppliers or manufacturers shall not exceed the maximum amount that a craft brewery, as currently defined or as hereafter amended by the Brewer’s Association or its successor organization, is permitted to brew or sell.

§ 512C(c)(5): The provisions of § 506 of this title to the contrary notwithstanding, to be permitted to have an interest in, be affiliated with, operate, or own another supplier or manufacturer located outside the State and have an interest in a farm winery, brewery-pub, and/or craft distillery licensed under this chapter and actually located in this State, provided that the total domestic sales of all affiliated suppliers or manufacturers shall not exceed the maximum amount that a craft brewery, as currently defined or as hereafter amended by the Brewer’s Association or its successor organization, is permitted to brew or sell.

The bold type is what’s being added to the Code. The rest of the language is already in the code. I repeat: Who is this bill designed to benefit? Who sought it? I think that legislation should provide fair notice as to who is lobbying for it.  This bill seems designed to hide the bill’s proponents from public view. Why?  I mean, it’s probably not a bad bill, so why the secrecy?

What can I say? There’s not much on the agenda.

The Senate Agenda is a bit more substantive. SB 11(Sokola) appears designed to assist Newark by making it eligible for compensation for certain tax-exempt state-owned properties within the municipality. All three counties, plus Wilmington, Dover, and Georgetown already qualify for such compensation.

SB 60 (Poore) ‘clarifies that in order to be found guilty of prostitution the person must be 18 years or older’.  Good bill, especially since many, if not most, of those the bill would impact are forced into prostitution. Why further victimize the victims?

I gave you a preview of what is shaping up as a huge committee day tomorrow. Look for one of my magnum opuses (opi?) then.


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  1. Here’s why Earl Jaques is not gonna be challenged by the DSEA. In fact, they are thrilled that he’s sponsoring this bill. Can’t say I disagree:

    This makes a lot of sense to me:

    “”The current referendum system is broken,” said Atnre Alleyne, executive director of the education nonprofit DelawareCAN. “It takes a lot of energy from the district office, but it also spills over to schools and teachers.”

    Rather than allowing the district to focus on being an educational institution, Alleyne said, the focus is shifted to running a successful campaign.”

    • Paradee has almost always voted with the NRA.

      The political calculus is, the D’s lose Ennis and Paradee, but pick up Cloutier. Which makes it 11-10. Calculus doesn’t always hold, though…

      That’s why you get emasculating amendments like this.

  2. Arthur says:

    SB 68 (Townsend) ‘prohibits the manufacture, sale, offer to sell, transfer, purchase, receipt, possession, or transport of assault weapons in Delaware, subject to certain exceptions.’

    the only exception i saw in the bill was for someone who already legally owns one. what are the other exceptions? why are there any at all?

  3. Joseph Barclay says:

    This article was disgusting not only did it spew nothing but nonsense it went to attack NRA members and people who will defend their gun rights. You should be ashamed of yourself you are full of left wing hypocrisy. Here I will be speaking tomorrow here is a short speech to trigger you disgusting liberal facist The First thing I would like to speak to you tyrants is very simple let me read to you what the second amendment legally says before you vote
    against what you swore to uphold so you may understand why I am calling you Tyrants. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security
    of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed upon. George Washington even left evidence of what he
    meant he stated A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficent arms and ammunitions to maintain a status
    of Independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.I will now define every part of the meaning of
    the 2nd amendment when it states a well and regulated militia they are not refering to a states national guard as the state national guard works
    for the federal government and national government and are not a militia at all but a force of the government. A well and regulated militia is defined
    as Civilians who have banded together in times of emergency to form an army of irregular minute men. When George Washington stated militas being necessary
    to the security of a free state they are not refering to states in America but were talking about our natural state of being a country of free and independent
    citizens. When they talked about it being the right of the people they are refering to the law abiding citizens and not unlawful or even illegal immigrants
    or undcocumented aliens as they are not us citizens they do not retain the right to bear arms even if the illegals and undocumented are law abiding non us
    citizens. The right to keep and bear arms means that agurably any unclassified weapon in which can be wielded by a individual solider is defined as a arm.
    If assault weapons are in the hands of us troops then it is the right of citizens to be able to aquire the same arms that a us solider can obtain.
    They Boldy stated this right shall not be infringed upon means we the people shall suffer no dilution, regulation or ban is pushed upon the civilians ability
    to thwart tyranny. We the people shall not be undermined by legislation or laws that weaken our ability to combat any foreign or domestic enemies.
    Ever since I witnessed 9/11 as a young teenager I knew that one day I would have to stand before our public servants and remind them that we are a nation that
    has always been a Constitutional Republic we have been a people that has always cherished the bill of rights and our rights above all other laws of the land.
    I come from a family that has a long history in this nation and has served non stop in every single conflict starting from the America Revolution up until the Vietnam
    war. I am a descedant of the Sons Of Liberty what that means public servants is that I am born into a oath to defend the Constitution of America even at the price of
    my own freedom and even at the cost of my life. I swore a oath to combat any foreign or domestic enemies that plan to defile and threaten our God Given Rights.
    We are forgetting history and we are slowly but surely walking down the path towards totalitarianism and our so called public servants or as I call the traitors the
    Tyrants have forgotten the oaths they took. They have started to believe we the people serve them but they forget that we are all of your bosses from all 3 branches
    to the states, federal a national levels of government we are your bosses. For to long have we the American people have been silent as you slowly strip our gun rights
    that were bought and purchased at the price of blood sheed which birthed this nation and brought us to greatness achieving a feat that no other nation on earth could
    achieve. Which was defeating the #1 military power in those times a bunch of under trained and common men and boys defeated the British and created a nation at the
    end of all Colonialism.

    I would also like to remind you all and the Left Wingers and anti constitutionalist that the 2nd amendment was never written to give us the ability to hunt as it
    would be a must to survive and acquire food by hunting. It was made to prevent a tyrannical government like how it was when we were only the 13 colonies the fact
    that gun control is always up for debate even thought it is illegal and unconstitutional as it would be a infringement upon every us citizen. We are witnessing this
    nation turning against its constitution as many presidenital canidates make promises of arresting those who refuse to comply with illegal violations of the 2nd
    amendment and even threaten to push unconsitutional executive orders to strip americans of there ability to bear arms and strip us of our only checks and balance
    we have against our own governemnt to deter them from falling completely into a tyrannical system. We are witnessing violations on a national level of attacks on the freedom of speech including censoreship
    and ideoligcal discrimination on a major level. I say senators we need our gun rights more then ever today because we are fastly approaching the breaking point towards a
    2nd american revolution or a 2nd american civil war which is veyr alarming and should worry everyone. We have to stop the divison for a nation can not stand if it is divided
    My final thing senators is that I am a firm believer to the saying From time to time the tree of liberty must be refreshed by the blood of tyrants and patriots.
    If you vote against our gun rights not only are you showing us that you no longer value the 2nd amendment but value the fact that over 1 million people will have
    their rights violated by all of you. Is that how you want to go down in history as the public servants who disarmed people and lead them to the slaughter or do you
    want to go down as public servants who stood beside its citizens and defied those who wish to tread on the american people and the 2nd amendment.
    Of course this is my rough draft I haven’t started the final draft tonight nor ran speel check yet but ny final version will destroy these unconstitutional and illegal gun bills. Let our Constitutional Republic shine through the darkness as unconstitutional democracy fades in darkness consumed by hate and led by hypocrites. May this nation unite under 1 banner again let that banner be our Constitution the only thing that preserves our freedoms.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      You did a better job with your screed of explaining why whackjobs like you shouldn’t ever have a deadly weapon in your hand than I ever could.

      • Alby says:

        Now you know why eugenics was once a thing. Cutting their nuts off seems like the easiest solution.

    • Dave says:

      Not that you will bother to read, nor even comprehend if you do read my reply, but your Washington quote is wrong. What Washington said was taken from his First Annual Message to Congress on the State of the Union.

      Here is the actual text from Washington’s speech:

      “A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies.”

      You spent a lot of time talking about which you evidently know very little. Please note the “armed, but disciplined;” I’m more than happy to rely upon our first President’s advice. When can we start working on the disciplined part?

  4. Alby says:

    The part that always amuses me is the “government tyranny” line. Cops in this country have little accountability and abuse their authority every day, and we have the video to prove it. Yet they don’t see this as tyranny at all — indeed, they support police bad behavior as long as the victims are black and Hispanic.

    The federal government, though — such as the one raiding the Branch Davidian compound where four ATF agents were murdered carrying out a lawful search warrant — now that’s tyranny.

    If stupid were gold, they’d all be King Midas.