Erik Raser-Schramm Excoriates DEGOP After Their Stupid State Convention

Filed in National by on May 7, 2019

I missed this because the DEGOP is a moribund joke. Erik Raser-Schramm, however, took note:

Today the Delaware GOP retreated to its failed past to choose new leadership – the latest signal to Delawareans that the Republican Party is completely out of ideas for how to move our state forward.

During her decade as Attorney General, Jane Brady was one of the chief architects of Delaware’s prison pipeline, lording over a criminal justice system that punished poverty, disproportionately jailed people of color, and cost our economy millions. Meanwhile, Deborah Hudson was one of the loudest voices in the General Assembly’s Party of No, preaching austerity while backing tax cuts for the wealthy until voters finally had enough and sent her packing last fall.

With President Trump hell bent on taking America back to its darkest days, we need leaders who have the courage and vision to affirm that the best of America still lies ahead. That’s what we believe as Democrats, and that’s why we’ll continue to be the Party fighting for policies, programs, and protections that will help us triumph over fear and bring hope, justice, and shared prosperity to all.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Reports that Kathy McG was a featured speaker have not been confirmed.

  2. Jane Brady was one of the key architects of the disastrous policy to lock up virtually every (non-white) person on even the most minor of drug charges. She largely wrote the legislation and dispatched her cabana boy, Steve Wood, to Dover to partner with Tom Sharp, Jim Vaughn and Wayne Smith to intimidate weak-kneed nellies into voting for the bills. Pure demagoguery on everybody’s part.

    In a particularly ironic note, she successfully pushed to take discretion away from judges on sentencing (minimum mandatories) b/c it was possible that some of them would be too soft on offenders. Ironic, of course, b/c Brady then schemed with Ruth Ann Minner and Mark Brainard to get herself a judgeship.

    Schramm is right: The damage that Brady has done to the state is incalculable. She’s the perfect choice to head the State Rethuglicans.

    • RSE says:

      Let me get this straight, the Democrats have controlled the state government for over twenty years, yet somehow it’s Jane Brady’s fault that Delaware has unfair law enforcement practices because she sent her “cabana boy” to “intimidate” the “week-kneed” Democrats into voting for these unfair practices….That’s a good one.

      • RSE says:

        Don’t get me wrong, Jane Brady seems very law enforcement friendly, but you can’t pin the fact that our state is run by cops on her.

        Whenever you have something called a “task force”, that is connected to the government, people’s rights will ultimately be violated.
        In Delaware we have the Delaware State Police “Governor’s Task Force”. We haven’t had a Republican governor in Delaware for a very long time, and it doesn’t seem like we will have another one in the foreseeable future.

      • Alby says:

        Let me get this straight, you don’t believe someone who was there for it because it doesn’t fit with your notions of how the state runs.

        First off, 20 years doesn’t begin to cover the time frame under discussion. Second, nobody is talking here about “unfair law enforcement practices.” We’re talking about mandatory minimum sentences.

        Third, she’s one of the most miserable excuses for a human being ever to hold statewide office, and incompetent to boot. Probably nobody remembers the way she fucked up the prosecution of those two UD students from New Jersey who killed their newborn. The investigation had hardly begun before she proclaimed, on national TV, that she would seek the death penalty. They ended up getting, IIRC, two years in prison.

        She’s mean, she’s a none-too-bright fuckup and she’s fiercely ambitious, which is why she gave up a judgeship to re-enter politics. It would be hard to find a more loathsome personification of the Delaware Way.

      • liberalgeek says:

        RSE is conveniently forgetting that Dems only took control of the House in 2008. Granted, that is 10 years, but it ain’t 20. I guess compulsive lying is contagious in the Republican party.

        • RSE says:

          I didn’t say they had a trifecta for twenty years, liberalgeek.
          I guess the DNC chair has to start getting more imaginative. It must be starting to get difficult to pin anything in the State of Delaware on Republicans these days.

          • Alby says:

            No, it’s just difficult to find a reason to vote for Democrats. There’s always been ample reason to not vote for Republicans.

  3. Lurker says:

    Eric was a little aggressive here but that after all is his job.

    The De gop did make all top 4 positions women. They must of finally realized losing the suburban women they used to dominate killed their electoral chances here in the last 10 years or so. It keeps getting worse, Michele wall of the appo school district who used to be close the state gop has been rumored to run against Brice Ennis AS A DEMOCRAT. She would of been a top recruit for the GOP to knock off the old man. Like park city Cathy she found Jesus realizing gop doesn’t win here anymore.

    The gop can’t raise money recruit or get a guy like simpler re elected against an unknown candidate the dems found in June. It’s def dark days for them. How long it will last may be up to the new leadership. team

    • Erik was just speaking the truth. Jane Brady helped leave a dark stain of injustice on our state. I was working in the General Assembly at the time. Sharp, Vaughn (never has a prison been named for a more worthy incarcerator), Smith and Brady were all culpable.

      Sharp created a Senate ‘Committee To Combat Drug Abuse’. Wayne Smith created a similar committee in the House. Jane Brady pushed the draconian package that ultimately became law. She had Steve Wood basically living in Dover, where he would testify on the floor about every piece of legislation. She, and the racists who sponsored the legislation, all turned out to be drastically wrong.

      In an ironic sidenote, one of the first legislators to sound the alarm about these bills was Sen. Bob Venables, who was far from a liberal. But, as chair of the Bond Bill Committee, he warned that all of the new prison construction would make it impossible to fund school and roadwork on a timely basis. He was correct.

    • jason330 says:

      “The gop can’t raise money recruit or get a guy like simpler re elected against an unknown candidate the dems found in June. It’s def dark days for them. How long it will last may be up to the new leadership. team”

      Nah. Trump holds the key to the fututre. Simpler could have won easily but was too chickenshit to open his mouth on the biggest issue in the election – Trump.

      No Republicans are likely to confront that mess, so their only “safe” seats in the unoffical trash dump that is SC.

      • Hey says:

        That may be true. The gop has some young talent. I’m thinking Michael Smith Kevin hensley jeff spiegleman. None of who are from Sussex by the way.

        They are just all scared to run for statewide office in the current environment

      • Stat says:


    • jason330 says:

      “As of the 2000 general election, 42.6 percent of Delaware voters were Democrats, while 34 percent were registered Republicans. Today, 47.4 percent of the state’s voters identify as Democrats. Just 27.8 percent are Republicans.”

      Just 27.8 percent are Republicans

      Just 27.8 %


      Moribund joke.

  4. Matt’s my man. But Deborah Hudson did not represent the 24th District. She represented the 12th Rep. District. Bill Oberle, one of many pro-labor, anti-busing R’s in the General Assembly during the ’80’s and ’90’s, represented the 24th until Ed Osienski flipped the district.