Delaware Liberal

Erik Raser-Schramm Excoriates DEGOP After Their Stupid State Convention

I missed this because the DEGOP is a moribund joke. Erik Raser-Schramm, however, took note:

Today the Delaware GOP retreated to its failed past to choose new leadership – the latest signal to Delawareans that the Republican Party is completely out of ideas for how to move our state forward.

During her decade as Attorney General, Jane Brady was one of the chief architects of Delaware’s prison pipeline, lording over a criminal justice system that punished poverty, disproportionately jailed people of color, and cost our economy millions. Meanwhile, Deborah Hudson was one of the loudest voices in the General Assembly’s Party of No, preaching austerity while backing tax cuts for the wealthy until voters finally had enough and sent her packing last fall.

With President Trump hell bent on taking America back to its darkest days, we need leaders who have the courage and vision to affirm that the best of America still lies ahead. That’s what we believe as Democrats, and that’s why we’ll continue to be the Party fighting for policies, programs, and protections that will help us triumph over fear and bring hope, justice, and shared prosperity to all.

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