Delaware Liberal

Help Send a Strong Message to the Delaware NRA Blood-Soaked Caucus

Between now and Nov 3rd 2020 we can’t take any days off.  Every battle is in anticipation of, and preparation for the big battle 541 days from now.  

Dear Democrat,

On Wednesday, the General Assembly will consider three bills in the Senate Executive Committee that taken together, will go a long way toward curbing gun violence and reducing the threat of mass gun violence here in Delaware.

Since Sandy Hook, many Democratic leaders have worked hard to pass meaningful reforms that have made our children and families safer. We’ve closed Delaware’s gun show loophole, extended the background check period on gun purchases, banned bump stocks, and passed red flag laws that prevent known threats from possessing firearms.

At every turn, the NRA tried to stand in the way, and at every turn, our leaders didn’t blink. We can’t blink now.

That’s why we’re asking for your help on two important fronts:

1) Please call or write your Senator and tell them that like nearly three in four Delawareans, you support common sense gun safety reforms like banning military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines that are manufactured to kill.

2) Please consider donating $50, $25 or whatever you are able to help the Democratic Party continue to recruit, train, and elect candidates who will take on the NRA and the Republicans they bankroll. 

Our Party Platform is crystal clear: “Gun violence is taking far too many lives in Delaware. Delaware Democrats support common sense gun safety measures while respecting responsible gun ownership. We will build on successful efforts at the state level and proposed efforts at the federal level to get weapons of war away from criminals and off our streets.”

We know common sense restrictions on assault weapons and magazine capacities can reduce gun violence and we know such restrictions are constitutional, as appellate courts have consistently ruled that they do not violate the second amendment.

Still, despite those realities and the overwhelming public support for this legislation, these bills still face an uphill battle due to the gun lobby’s aggressive and well-funded opposition. The only way we can defeat them is by making our voices heard, and matching their financial support.

Thank you for joining with our courageous Democratic leaders and the tireless advocates who together are on the precipice of making Delawareans safer from gun violence in the places they learn, work, play, and pray.

With gratitude,

Jesse Chadderdon

Executive Director

Delaware Democratic Party

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