Is Trey Charles Paradee Pro School Massacre?

Filed in National by on May 7, 2019

Even as another school shooting unfolded in Colorado, Trey Paradee took steps to undermine SB68 by pushing an amendment that would delay SB68’s effect for a generation.

In view of the plain facts, a strong case can be made that Paradee is in favour of free and breezy access to assault rifles and machine guns, and if some lunatic shoots up a school while SB68 is barred from taking effect…too bad.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. His record gives us no reason to think otherwise.

  2. Fooled Me Twice says:

    Why are any of you surprised by this?

    Did you trust him?

    His record doesn’t lie, but he does.

  3. mouse says:

    He has that cult look on his face

  4. Paul says:

    This is a man who will never say he was wrong about guns and the next school shooting, dear God not in Delaware please.

  5. jason330 says:

    What gets me is that Paradee thinks he can curry favour with NRA nuts. As long as he has a D next to his name, they will view him as the devil.