US Government Is Now In A ‘Constitutional Crisis’

Filed in National by on May 8, 2019

Due to the utter lawlessness of the Executive branch and the enabling of that lawlessness in the Senate of the United States, we are now in a Constitutional Crisis.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NJ) said Wednesday that the full House will move “rapidly” towards holding Attorney General Bill Barr in contempt, warning that the U.S. government has entered a “constitutional crisis.”

Nadler made the remarks after his committee voted in favor of recommending Barr be held in contempt for refusing to produce the unredacted report of special counsel Robert Mueller and its underlying materials, which the committee had subpoenaed.

“We’ve talked for a long time about approaching a constitutional crisis, we are now in it,” Nadler said, before referencing the famous Benjamin Frank quote about United States being a “republic…if you can keep it.”

“Now is the time of testing whether we can keep a republic or whether this republic is destined to change into a different, more tyrannical form of government,” he said.

Nadler did not know whether the full House would vote on the contempt resolution next week, but said it would be on the floor soon.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RSE says:

    Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress and we all seem to have made it through alright. If there is a true Constitutional crisis it’s most likely in the fact that the Democrats are politicizing and “weaponizing” the oversight process.
    As far as the Mueller report goes, the almost completely non redacted version has been available to members of Congress for a while now, all except for a very small portion that is apparently grand jury material that federal law says can’t be disclosed.

    • jason330 says:

      We either have three co-equal branches of government under the Constitution, or we don’t. The simple facts are that Trump has rejected any and all oversight creating this crisis. That you are comfortable with that says more about you than it says about the Legislative branch attempting to carry out its Constitutional responsibilities.

      Thanks for commenting. I never watch Fox and it is good to be up on all the talking points.

    • Alby says:

      @RSE: Your ignorance is matched only by your over-confidence.

      • RSE says:

        Only confident because the information is there for all to see . As for my own confidence, not so much though, unfortunately.
        Oh hey, did you see that North Korea has again fired missiles during China trade negotiations?

        • Alby says:

          What information? In what way does any of the information you cited clear this president of failing to allow the public to know his business connections?

          Your ignorance is a lack of understanding of how governments work, and why they fail to, as has been the case with ours for the past 40 years.

          Conservative ideas have been tried and found severely wanting, on every level. Cutting taxes mostly enriches the rich and lead to degraded government services, and they cripple government budgets.

          I’m highly skeptical that correlation equals causation, but if there’s a connection between North Korea’s nuclear launches and Trump’s ineffective China blustering, it’s only because Trump only understands blunt instruments.

  2. We now have full blown fascism with the White House scaling back of the Press Corp. and the refusal to provide accountability with Congress. Why will we on the left not use this clear description of the defiling of republican democracy?

  3. You mean calling the Republican Party an ongoing criminal conspiracy?

    I’ve done it. To me, that’s what they are, and I think we need to emphasize this at every opportunity.

  4. donviti says:

    “We’ve talked for a long time about approaching a constitutional crisis, we are now in it,” Nadler said, before referencing the famous Benjamin Frank quote about United States being a “republic…if you can keep it.”

    And Now, I’m going to talk about it even a little longer before I actually do anything because I’m actually running out the clock on you morons that think I’m actually going to do anything

  5. ben says:

    Liberals need to learn to love guns. Not that we cant turn away from the path we’re on…. but we’re on a path. And trust in the rule of law is looking more and more like a pipe dream.
    Right now they’re strong because they think they’re better armed. and they are. that needs to change.
    Not advocating violence. Just defense.