Delaware Liberal

General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., May 9, 2019

Well, the gun bills weren’t released from the Executive Committee yesterday. Don’t worry, they will be.  The sooner, the better. I was gonna quote from some of the opponents here, but out of respect to your brain cells, I won’t. Teh stoopid, it burns. 

Here is yesterday’s Session Activity Report.

Today’s House Agenda features HS/HB105 (Rep. Minor-Brown),  which creates a ‘Step Therapy Exception Process whereby patients who are required by their insurance company to go through step therapy protocols can, under certain circumstances, bypass step therapy to obtain the initially-prescribed medication’.  This would eliminate requiring patients to have to jump through hoops before being permitted to get prescribed drugs. BTW, feedback on Rep. Minor-Brown has been unfailingly positive.  One long-time legislative observer referred to her as a ‘rock star’. And, remember, kids, her decision to run led to the retirement of a long-term back-bencher. Prospective candidates, take note.

HB 109(Kowalko) is similar to recently-enacted legislation concerning Rehoboth Beach, and prevents the Park Slope Kathy argument that ‘LLC’s are people and entitled to vote’ from taking effect in Newark.

A Kowalko bill is the highlight of today’s Senate Agenda.  You may recall that HB 46 ‘creates a Delaware Manufactured Home Owner Attorney Fund…(to) provide legal representation and advocacy for manufactured home owners enforcing existing rights in disputes with community owners’.  You may also recall that three D’s, Bill Bush, who voted no, and Andria Bennett and Gerald Brady, who went not voting, which is the same as no, saw fit to not protect people living in manufactured homes.  Joined, of course, by every single Rethug in the House. I’d be surprised if any D votes no on this bill in the Senate.

I also like SB 63(Delcollo), which essentially protects whistleblowers from discrimination under Delaware’s Equal Accommodations law. Look for a close to unanimous vote.

Talk about being fast-tracked. Someone has gone to great lengths to jump HB 125(Schwartzkopf) to the head of the legislative line. It is notable that the two top legislative leaders are the sponsors.  Again, I certainly support our craft brewing industry, but I would like to know why this bill has a rocket up its butt.  Anybody have any info?

Over and out.



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