Delaware Liberal

So Simple Even Kos Gets It

I find myself disagreeing with Markos Moulitsas when he says things like “Democrats must nominate a woman” and similar proclamations that are too calculating by half. I also dislike his not-subtle anti-Bernie bias. But even Kos understands that Democrats pay too much attention to trying to avoid riling up Trump’s base. As he points out, they are permanently riled, so it’s up to Democrats to make sure their base, which is more easily distracted, is motivated to turn out.

Democrats have to get comfortable accepting that 2020 won’t be a persuadable election, it’ll be a base-turnout one (just like 2018). There are more of us, and Democrats need to make sure they are responsive to the needs and demands of that base, because if our people vote (black voters, Latinos, Asians, young voters, single women, urban whites), there’s nothing Trump can do to make up the difference.

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