Delaware Liberal

News Journal: Addiction Treatment For Prisoners Virtually Non-Existent

No shots at the News Journal today. This article by Christina Jedra is must-reading. For non-subscribers, the gist of the piece is that addiction treatment for those in Delaware prisons is both a scam and a sham. Virtually no treatment of any value is being provided in many cases, and the agency that holds the contract has been falsifying records to make it seem that services were provided when, in fact they weren’t. Oh, and DOC’s verification of records couldn’t even be called cursory. It’s time for every single contract that the state awards to Connections be gone over with a fine-tooth comb. If anyone over at the Auditor’s office is doing anything but PR, they might want to look into this.

The article is well-sourced: former Connections staffers who tell about being forced to falsify records, several former and current residents of DOC who spoke about the lack of treatment and also being forced to sign false documents indicating that treatment had been provided. This one is worth getting the dead trees edition for.

All of this, of course, taking place in what is clearly a dysfunctional Department of Correction. Gee, I wonder how John Carney’s ‘budget-smoothing’ model fits neatly within the disaster that is DOC. What are you cutting, John? Bread crusts? Which reminds me, this is all taking place under the somnambulant ‘watch’ of Carney.  It’s both a disgrace and a scandal. If you’re not up to the job, GTFO.

You know me. I love great journalism. The News Journal has a special reporter in Christina Jedra who, almost singlehandedly, has been challenging the state’s ridiculous exemptions of almost everything from FOIA. Memo to the News Journal: If you can afford to pay only ONE journalist a living wage, make it Christina Jedra. We need her here.

Read the article, folks. Then you might want to call Carney’s office to ask him what, exactly, he does. Then you might want to contact your state legislator and demand action. Maybe the AG as well.  This is a disgrace. Who will address it besides the press?


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