Trump 2020 Campaign Begins With Brazen Hostility to Laws, Democratic Institutions, Propriety

Filed in National by on May 11, 2019

Trump has dispatched Giuliani to Ukraine to push the incoming government in Kiev to press ahead with investigations that he hopes will benefit Trump 2020 and hurt Joe Biden.

We know this because Giuliani brazenly said that his trip to Ukraine intended to push the incoming government in Kiev to press ahead with investigations that he hopes will benefit Trump 2020 and hurt Joe Biden.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RSE says:

    And when Giuliani is finished in the Ukraine, maybe he can start looking into the China connection as well. There’s nothing like piggy backing over to China on Air Force 2 to secure lucrative deals while daddy is there on official business? Good work if you can get it.

  2. RSE says:

    Damn, should have checked the news first. Guliani isn’t even going to the Ukraine now.

    There is definitely something going on over there with this chief prosecutor guy, Viktor Shogin though.
    Maybe Guliani wanted to get to him before the opposition does. Maybe the opposition has already gotten to him.
    I know for a fact that there was interest in hearing from the guy asap last week, because someone I know was offered a job to go over there and try to get an interview with him, but they weren’t sure about it, and they thought it may even be dangerous.

  3. Alby says:

    @RSE: I realize that in your confusion you don’t know the half of what you’re reading, but you do realize that if this warranted an investigation — and I’m not sure why having an American working for Ukrainian oligarchs warrants one, given the president is not being investigated for his private business in hostile nations — the proper investigative body is Congress. Just sayin’.

    If you knew how the system was supposed to work, you wouldn’t be so lost at sea with your ridiculous theories.