Here’s What Biden’s Selling

Filed in National by on May 14, 2019

Horse-race pundits already have all but conceded the Democratic nomination to Joe Biden, which is easy to do now because people haven’t yet had a chance to hear his sales pitch for the job. Bloomberg News national political reporter Sahil Kapur, following Biden on the trail in New Hampshire, heard his chat with one couple and sent out this tweet:

In New Hampshire, Joe Biden predicts that once President Trump is out of office, Republicans will have “an epiphany” and work with Democrats toward consensus.

As one wag responded, “Wasn’t Biden in the Obama Administration or am I remembering that wrong?

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    • jason330 says:

      Although, it is exactly the kind of comment that will keep Joseph Scarborough and Chuck Todd walking around with raging Joe-boners.

  1. Shocked says:

    I’m honestly shocked by how well he’s doing. I can own it. I and a lot of others really misread the party. He’s absolutely crushing the 50 and over portion of the party. Whether you like it not those voters will be here for a bit as well with life expectancy increasing lol

    Aoc will have to wait a bit for her concept to catch on outside of the fake world of twitter

    • jason330 says:

      What you are seeing is the outworking of the fact that he gets as much cable news coverage as all the other candidates combined.

      That said, you did try to disguise the trolling and I appreciate the effort.

      • Dave says:

        Knowing the media, they are waiting for the Biden dumpster fire or they have decided he is the best bet to unseat Trump. Probably some of both.

        Still, he is has considerable black support, so he will do well in the south, but probably no all that well in the ossified, 93% white, New Hampshire.

        I’m guessing there were a host of people, including the media, that him stumbling out the gate and barely making it to the first turn. There were many who asserted his campaign was over before he even announced. Long way to go though and lots of horses.

    • Alby says:

      As I said, let’s see what happens once they hear this happy-horseshit sales pitch. He’s old, out of touch and hasn’t had to campaign for a real office in many years. The Democratic field won’t be as easy to carve up as Paul Ryan was.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    I would call it toxic Boomer energy, but apparently this is extremely triggering.

    • RE Vanella says:

      **I keep my promises, folks**

    • Alby says:

      There are now more millennials than boomers. I believe in the Willie Sutton theory — we should appeal to millennials because that’s where the votes are.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Sutton theory is the same reason I support Eisenhower level personal tax scheme.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Hot tip. Yours truly will be addressing this very issue in the pages of The News Journal very soon. It’s 800 words give-or-take.

    [This is a trigger warning]