Song of the Day 5/15: Donovan, “Atlantis”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on May 15, 2019

When we think of the ’60s we tend to think of the social movements for civil rights and against the war in Vietnam, which gives the impression that people back then were wrapped up in serious issues. We tend to forget that the hippie era gave rise to just as much bunkum and bullshit as any other. Case in point: Donovan’s apparently heartfelt belief in the Atlantis myth, which led him to release a song with a 110-second spoken introduction extolling the wonders of the lost continent. The song itself consists of a single line repeated ad infinitum, which I suppose necessitated the long intro. The record company wasn’t impressed, releasing it as a B-side, but DJs favored it over the A-side and the 45 reached No. 7 on the US charts. Hail Atlantis indeed.

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  1. Blue Jay Way says:

    It was later used in a pivotal scene in Goodfellas.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Donovan had a way with odd songs like Mellow Yellow that became minor hits anyway. Saw him open for Yes in the late seventies at the now departed Spectrum, the hippie era was long gone and he was booed. He might have weighed 100 lbs and looked a little emaciated.

    • Alby says:

      Once you’ve booed Santa Claus, emaciated ex-hippies are easy.

      • bamboozer says:

        Interesting to note at the time Yes had plenty of young fans as opposed to the geriatric set they attracted late in the bands life span. Mostly Prog Rock Hooligans I suppose.